Social media can be a really powerful way to connect with and build deeper relationships with your audience – but it can be extremely time consuming. So, we asked some folks we admire to share how they manage their social profiles and whether they’ve hired professionals to help.
Alexandria Roberts

I do manage my own social media! I use it as a tool to show my modeling portfolio, but I make sure not to make it too serious and just have fun with it knowing it’s such a critical environment. Read more>>
Jaiden Sky

As a small business owner, I wear plenty of hats! One of them being my own social media manager. I personally find enjoyment with managing my socials, through strategy and creativity! These platforms have helped me market myself and network with those who I might not reach otherwise! Social media can be an incredible growth tool for independent creators! I probably spend just as much time focused on growth here as I do actually tattooing! Read more>>
Santiago Rodriguez Tarditi

In 2020, I launched High on Design: The New Cannabis Culture, a book published by gestalten (Germany) that showcased the novel aesthetics behind this growing industry. Suddenly, my Instagram account (@srtarditi) began to grow with people interested in learning more about the plant—some were newbies, others were cultivators, and a few were consumers. Read more>>
Grenisha Williams

I manage my own social media platforms. Honestly, I feel as though it sucks the creativity out of my craft. Trying to cater to the algorithm is a drain but the “pressure” to remain relevant is always in the back of my mind. It’s basically damn if you do, damn if you don’t. Read more>>
Hunter Thomas

In today’s day and age, it is obvious that businesses need a presence on social media. The problem is that merely a presence isn’t enough! Social media is an opportunity to give your business a face and personality and engage directly with your target audience in a way that other marketing avenues just don’t offer. That is why when we started our business we focused so heavily on content creation upfront. Read more>>
Gabrielle Campbell

The Divine Vegan social media pages are all managed by me! I actually went to Arizona State University for a B.S in Business Marketing- so managing the socials is very fun for me. I am constantly inspired by all of the beautiful content out there and creating my own gives me a sense of control and a creative outlet! Read more>>
Jasmine Jeffery

I actually do handle Jasminum Hair Care’s social media accounts! This has to be one of the many tasks that comes easy for me when creating content but finding time to dedicate to posting and being active is the difficult part in my opinion. Social media is a tricky topic to understand when promoting products due to how the applications algorithm is set up. Read more>>
Anna Munguia

We manage our own, but we have noticed an incredible difference in IG since the pandemic happened. It’s not the same as it used to be. From hashtags not working right, to fake account and leads, it’s simply not the same. Read more>>
Samantha Tollison

Social Media is the sweet spot for my business! Instagram particularly is where I connect most with my potential clients! I’ve spent a lot of time & money learning how to market myself and to provide valuable content that my clients want and need. Read more>>
LaToya Cross

I manage my own social media for a few reasons. The first being that I can’t really afford to hire someone to manage it for me! The other reason being that I am actually more creative than I give myself credit for so it’s actually quite enjoyable to market on social media and create content. At some point in my journey I would absolutely love it if I had a designated person to manage the content and marketing on my business page. Read more>>
Vanessa Barnes

I do manage my day to day activities on Social Media. When I work on special projects for, I do hire a digital marketing specialist. I have had success with Sakura Marketing ( Read more>>