We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Ted Hajnasiewicz. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Ted below.
Ted, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What’s been the most meaningful project you’ve worked on?
I think, the most meaningful project I’ve worked on, is my album “It’s Fine”. To be honest, I didn’t know I’d say that, when making it. All of the songs but one were written during the 2nd year of the pandemic, amidst social and societal unrest. But also, in the middle of this, I lost my mother. I lost a dear friend to suicide. A family member also was going through heavy times, which we all felt. It was all – at once.
So these songs were written from this point of view, as a sort of “catharsis” for me. I didn’t know that as I wrote some – and some I did knowing “I need this”.
Then, as I started collecting and recording the songs, this just felt like a much needed deep breath for me. Almost as if I were singing to ME.
Still, I put it out under the cover of night, so to speak (I put it out January 1st, while everyone was sleeping, or still partying in the new year). So I thought, I love these songs, on to the next.
Yet I still go back to this album, often. I never used to really do that with my own music. This one, is special to me. It’s still a nice reminder, and feels a bit like a warm hug from a friend.
Ted, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I started writing songs, before I ever knew how to play an instrument. I loved writing short stories. I loved music. I just SANG whatever silly thing came to mind, and “recorded” them in my little brain. I had full albums of material, all in my brain. I cannot remember one of them now – which is probably good. :)
I got a bass guitar in middle school, and started playing in bands in high school. I never did look back. This is what I’m supposed to do.
However, my songwriting really only started to grow in leaps and bounds in 2019, when I joined this songwriter group on Facebook – the “Singer Songwriter Songwriting Challenge”. We get a prompt each week – a word, a picture, a thought – and we each write a song based on whatever that prompt makes us think or feel. Then we record ourselves (video) and post to the page. And we all celebrate!
This group has help me grow as a writer, as a lover of song, as a human. And I’ve made so many REAL LIFE friends because of it! The internet ain’t all bad. :)
What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?
Oh my gosh, just getting to write a song. It doesn’t matter if it’s good – I wrote it! It just came to me. And I put those thoughts to paper and melody. And I have a song! WE GET TO DO THIS! That is truly its own reward.
How did you build your audience on social media?
You know, this is a bit of an odd one. The mythical “fan”. I was working with someone on promo for a release, and I asked her, “How does one grow a fanbase, at my age” (I’d stepped away from trying to do anything with my music – sorta like a songwriting Rumpelstiltskin – so I had literally NO fans). She mentioned getting to know other artists and songwriters, and we support each other.
As odd as that sounded – THAT is really true. In making friends with other creatives, in celebrating them (REALLY celebrating them, cuz you love them and what they do),
For me, because I’m a bit shy at first – this was EASIER via social media. The singer/songwriter group was a HUGE part of this. Over time, a community was built, that turned into more in person, real life friendships, and actual FANS (My friends are my biggest fans, and I am of them). It is slow, organic, and oh so sweet!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.tedhtunes.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/tedhtunes
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/tedhtunes
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/tedhtunes
Image Credits
Bo Allen Katy Tessman Phyliss Hajnasiewicz Nathan Griner