We were lucky to catch up with Rachel Mari Kimber recently and have shared our conversation below.
Rachel Mari, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. How did you learn to do what you do? Knowing what you know now, what could you have done to speed up your learning process? What skills do you think were most essential? What obstacles stood in the way of learning more?
The most wonderful aspect of what I do, is it’s uniqueness. Chocolate making with honey is both a science, and an intuitive, alchemic process. I also take my chocolate joy a step further by infusing sound vibration and spoken loving intentions.
I am a self taught artisan honey sweetened Chocolatier. I did learn how to use chocolate machines in Sedona, when I first came to Arizona, yet I gravitated towards focused intentional hand made style for my personal gratification. I was informed by a fellow established honey Chocolatier, that it was “an art form that could not be taught”, that I would just need to “try it out and see what happens”. So I did. He was right, it is something hard to convey, it’s a case of tuning in, and experimenting through the senses.
Learning to amalgamate the ingredients, was a trial and error process in every way, and sometimes still is, depending on the weather! The most common form of chocolate, is made with sugar, and sugar as you know, has a solid crystalline structure. It is also damaging for the teeth and health in general. Honey, however, is a viscous liquid, (unless it is cold) full of enzymes and nutrients, and when blending, the external temperature of the atmosphere makes a difference to whether the chocolate will amalgamate or not, along with the temperature of the mixing bowl, and what type of stirring utensil, and how warm the ingredients are in the bowl. In Summer, I put the bowl in and out of the fridge in stages. In winter, I leave the bowl on the kitchen surface, and periodically check and stir it. There is a small window of temperature and time where it will go from runny, to hard.
Traditionally, tempering of chocolate is done on a stone slab. In my own process of discovering how the ingredients interact, I found it easier and more manageable to make chocolate in a bowl. Also that way, I get to lovingly hold it, and in doing so, I treat it as one would treat anything dear and cherished. This also means that the batches I make are small, and well cared for every step of the way.
Chocolate making is not a process to be rushed, it has taught me even more patience, and also the discipline that I only start a batch when I have allocated time to do so, and that I am in a good happy state of mind, which is often. Sometimes I start making chocolate too late in the evening, and then with taste testing, it keeps me awake into the wee hours. I enjoy the peaceful vibrance of night time though, so I adapt my schedule around that quirk!
Tempering is the word used to describe the melting and cooling to blend ingredients. It can take up to five tempers to get the three simple ingredients of honey, cacao butter and cacao powder to blend perfectly, but the good thing is, if it goes wrong there’s usually a new creation that I come up with to enjoy, like coconut ice cream, or gluten free brownies, or truffle balls, or chocolate cereal.. so nothing is wasted.
My daughter Jasmine, is my chief taste tester. Her palate is different from mine, so it helps to have a second opinion to balance out the end result, and cater to different tastes. I also make truffles, using cacao powder, coconut oil, honey and either almond or peanut butter. I like to use all organic, clean, vibrant tasting ingredients, and source honey locally. Yum!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Rachel Mari Kimber, originally from Wales, UK. I am extremely blessed with abundant creative forces, and put them to good use in every aspect of my life.
I create tone vibration infused honey sweetened chocolate, I work with energy, I am a Transformational Tarot reader, and an award winning singer songwriter with two albums and many singles out there on all major music media platforms such as itunes, amazon, spotify, youtube, soundcloud, bandcamp.
It is my mission to use all of these wonderful mediums to enrich others lives with soul soothing nourishment, bringing forth these tools for their self empowerment, healing and highest good.
You can follow me on facebook under three different forms (or instagram the first two)
/chocologielove /rachelmarikimber /freeyourspirithealing
If you would like to experience any of my services, my main umbrella website is
My chocolate website is chocologielove.wixsite.com/love
My music website is rachelmarikimber.com
Thank you for connecting!
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
A lesson I had to unlearn with all of my entrepreneurial adventures, was my un-comfortability with self promotion – it used to feel egotistical and un-natural, and would make me cringe at the thought. This is most likely a product of a British upbringing, where the culture lends itself to modesty in the extreme – of shrinking down to accommodate, of self-depricating when given compliments, of self-denial being seen as gracious. No wonder I had self esteem issues to work through, I now see that false narrative doesn’t serve me.
My viewpoint has shifted a lot from where it used to be. The more I sink into my purpose and the importance of sharing what I am here to do and be, the more I am softening, and gaining confidence to share and offer my services.
I am very grateful for where I stand today, compared to where I was ten years ago, and appreciate what the challenging moments and meltdowns were teaching me, to get here. Circumstances change all of the time, and I now feel equipped to adapt and transform, applying the lessons, celebrating the blessings.
I would like to thank Marianne Williamsons’ quote for assisting my journey, and here it is –
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.”
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives and a thriving creative ecosystem?
In my view, society as a whole will thrive in all directions when guided towards taking better care of the planet, by making wise choices to source and consume clean fresh produce and water, moving away from junk food, artificial fillers, and all things that create toxic waste, in our environment and in our bodies. After all, we are what we eat.
The healthier we become, the happier and more content we are, and the sharper our brains become, the more energy we have to share in support of others. This gets reflected in everything we do individually and collectively.
So, in my humble opinion, the best way to support artists, is through the empowering choices of an active healthy lifestyle.
Contact Info:
- Website: freeyourspiritheal.wixsite.com/love
- Instagram: instagram.com/chocologielove instagram.com/rachelmarikimber
- Facebook: facebook.com/chocologielove facebook.com/freeyourpsirithealing facebook.com/rachelmarikimber
- Youtube: Free Your Spirit Healing
- Other: Chocolate: chocologielove.wixsite.com/love Music: rachelmarikimber.com
Image Credits
IMG_9218 – Rachel Schmid (all others Rachel Mari Kimber)