Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Loveli Brown. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Loveli, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Can you talk to us about a risk you’ve taken – walk us through the story?
Starting a holistic mental health coaching company encompasses all the aforementioned risk. Taking your future into your hands can cause stress, anxiety, and excitement. Becoming a business owner can be quite and undertaking as well as a risk if you do not have the proper tools, training, and staff. In addition to the risks, add stigmas, cultural confines and misinformation surrounding mental health and mental illnesses; you inadvertently open yourself up to other people’s opinions, comments, and dissection. This can be daunting. Especially, when you are working in a sector where there is a great bit of distrust, false information, and uncertainty.
My backstory began on March 13, 2020. I left my job with the impression that I would return in two weeks. As I watched the world as I knew it fall apart, so did my mental health. Mental health is not a new revelation. I have silently struggled with accepting that my mental health has been affected by some of my life’s tragic and stressful situations. Be strong. I’ve tried to be most of my life. “Fake it until you make it”, is a phrase we say to most people. Well, what do you say to the person who has had to mask themselves their whole life? Feeling helpless, hopeless, and hesitant, I decided to do what I knew best. I enrolled in several mental health programs. I wanted to tackle the demons head-on. The demons were chasing me, and I do not care for running. I wanted to understand what was affecting me and help learn how to others advocate for themselves.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello Lovelies! My name is Loveli. I am honored to meet you. I am an East Coast girl at heart. I am passionate about mental health, learning, writing, books, art, fashion, music, business growth and self-expression. My passion is to help others find their purpose in life from the inside out. You can be a superfly independent person, a newly excited entrepreneur, a mental health professional, a twitterpated relationship person or a spiritual seeking being.
My studies include law and mental health. I am certified as a Mental Health and Wellness Coach, a CBT Cognitive Behavior Life Coach, a Therapeutic Art Life Coach, a Mindfulness and Success Life Coach, a Relationship Workshop Facilitator Life Coach, a Professional Life and Guide Coach, a Life Purpose Coach, a Creation for Life Coaches Practitioner, and a Meditation and Consciousness Masterclass Coach. I also provide resources to help you get your business up and running.
Helping others has always been a part of my calling. Every career move I’ve made pushed me one step closer to figuring out what my true purpose would be. I know what it’s like to look at myself in the mirror and not know who’s staring back at me. I know what its like to have to fight to redefine and rebuild the life that you believe you should have.
My mental-wellness journey has been a confusing, insightful, and rewarding set of experiences. I was blessed to be able to go back to school to become certified as a mental-health coach, a certified relationship workshop facilitator coach, a peer-to-peer coach, and a family-to-family coach. The pandemic was full of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. It was also a chance to fulfill the requirements of my true calling. I began to educate myself. I decided to turn this tragedy into triumph.
Healing takes work. It takes bravery. It takes self-discovery. I know that we are all searching for wholeness, not perfection. Healing is a continuous process. We deserve to rediscover who we are without stress. I cannot say all the stress will go away but I can tell you that it can get better. We just have to work on it together.
Many of us are entering new stages of life. Maybe you are a recent empty nester. Maybe you are recently divorced. Maybe you are recovering from a loss. Or maybe you are working on yourself. What do all of these have in common? Change! Whatever you are going through just know that you are not alone.
Looking inward, reflecting on your identity is a wonderful way to start healing from the inside out. We all can benefits from learning to accept your flaws; seeing the beauty in your individuality; understanding, that without looking inward, you will never truly feel fulfilled or see the true you.
LoveliEsteem aims to help you maneuver through these trying times by providing services that help you organize your new world. Life is not about perfection; it is about discovering YOU. It’s about learning that healing is a continuous process. It’s about working on your mind so that you can learn to love your body and feeling it all the way to the soles of your feet. We can’t wait to walk with you through these processes. You are stronger than you think. You are bigger than your last loss. You are worthy of a life that you are proud to call your own. We are in this together. Let us begin the journey.
How’d you build such a strong reputation within your market?
I am still very new to the mental health market. Authenticity and visibility are the best ways to get noticed. You must be consistent with your marketing, content, and messaging. There are so many methods to advance your business. I would suggest that you focus on two social media platforms. You should also gather email addresses. Try to study your audience and get to know them inside and outside. These steps may help your business prosper.
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
I’ve had to relearn to trust myself. I’ve had to relearn how to love myself. I’ve had to relearn how to listen to my inner voice. I’ve had to learn how to rebuild my life. It’s been a fruitful and intimidating journey.
The biggest lesson I had to unlearn was doubt. I spent a lot of years doubting that I deserve to start up a business; I spent years doubting my intelligence because of other people’s comments. There is no room for doubt when you are destiny to flourish. If you want your business to prosper, you must already see it being great. You also must get use to failing and getting back up. You can have the best business out there but if you don’t believe in your business how can anyone else?
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @loveliestem
- Facebook: Loveliesteem
- Linkedin: LoveliEsteem
- Twitter: @loveliesteem
- Youtube: LoveliEsteem
- TikTok: @loveliesteem
Image Credits
Photos by LoveliEsteem, Perspectives by Tia and Kenneth Brown