We recently connected with Laura Meyer and have shared our conversation below.
Laura, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.
One question I get asked a lot is,” Why Lemon, why that business name?” and I just love when they ask because it provides a learning opportunity. Stay with me here, this one will blow your mind. Humans do not function in isolation, or separation of their parts. If something is not working properly, it can not be broke apart from the rest, “fixed” and returned. The human body is connected to all its parts. It is one big tethered system. If one piece is not working; neither will the rest. This tether encompasses all parts of our lifestyle. Eating, moving, thinking, connecting, and living are all linked together. Therefore, things are not always what they seem. That’s where Lemon helps you make the right move. At Lemon, the human body is looked at holistically. Any malfunction in one area may cause a problem in another area. This reminds me of a lemon and its nutritional pH level and value. Outside of the body, a lemon is acidic and sour, but once lemon is on the inside and metabolized in the body, it becomes an alkaline with many health benefits. Who knew a lemon could be so sweet?!
I’m thrilled I found my calling to help others feel better with Lemon.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
My background has always been in some sort of career where I was helping people. Whether it be children or adults, helping others has always been my jam! In my 20s, I was so consumed with helping my special needs students, my family and friends that I lost sight of me and my needs. I gained a lot of weight, I was suffering from debilitating pain, migraines, IBS, and I was pre diabetic. Even more, I had many hospitalizations due to the insufferable pain. All the doctors, a lot of pain, and no one could give me an answer, only prescribe more drugs. I was on about 15-20 different scripts for all things pain, depression, anxiety, and sleep. I just kept getting bigger and bigger and topping out the scale around 230 lbs. The more weight I put on, the worse I felt physically and mentally.
A friend shared some info with me in regards to acid in the body and inflammation. This knowledge held power. I started with adding proper nutrition to my diet, 30 lbs just fell off and I was feeling so energetic. The extra energy gave me the drive to add exercise to my daily routine. 50 more lbs were lost once nutrition and exercise were happily working together. This made for an astonishing 80 pounds loss, that’s 40% less of me!!. More importantly, my pain disappeared, energy increased, and I was able to eliminate every prescription drug doctors had prescribed me. Food and movement became my new medicine for a happy and pain free life.
After seeing the vast results from food swaps, proper nutrition, and movement I learned a fascination for the human body. I studied, researched, took Masters level classes and worked hard on myself. The more answers I unfolded, the more insatiable I became to understand and solve problems of the human body. After ridding my life of obesity, mental illness, and pain, I was inspired to further my education and pursued and completed a Fitness Certification, Culinary/Nutrition Educator Certification, and a Master’s Level Health Certification. The excitement to help others feel better was shooting through me like a rocket headed in space! No one ought to live a life in pain.
Lemon provides a holistic look into health and offers solutions for all things wellness. We have helped many people feel better with diverse nutritional plans, unique fitness programs, proper mind growth through personal development activities, and learning how to love yourself again. Yes, many have had successful weight loss outcomes with Lemon, but I always say that the weight loss is a great side effect, but this is not our focus. Our focus is treat the body well, and find your true self and to love that true self to the fullest. Once the brain is in the right spot, the body will follow.
Accountability and team support is where the magic’s at with Lemon. It is not about me, or any of us individually. It is the team that makes us better. It is the team I show up for. It is the team that makes me keep my nutrition on point. It is the team that makes me show up in the gym, and it is the team that keeps my mind sound with positive self love. This is what sets us apart from the rest. We don’t focus on the scale. We don’t count points, calories, or make restrictive diets with intense heavy exercise that overly stress the body. Instead, we focus on each other, meeting one another where we are at. Supporting each other, uplifting each other, and being a relentless cheerleader. When we are so focused on self love and team support, it majorly changes the game. It makes wellness so much bigger than weight loss. It makes wellness look different, it makes it look like joy and kindness. We are not focused on the scale, but focused on the love for one’s self and one’s team. Now we are having fun!!! Now we are smashing goals like never before!!! It is magical, feels like a dream, and covers my skin with goose bumps of love and excitement whenever I think about it.
Lemon’s mission is to make a happier, healthier, and kinder world. A world filled with support and love for ourselves and others. A nonjudgmental type of delicate kindness that uplifts our hearts to a higher level where negativity can not touch us. This is what excites me the most, knowing that Lemon is bigger than me and it brings a constant stream of positivity into this world and that is something we can’t ever get enough of.
Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?
As I previously discussed, the mind set work sets Lemon apart from other weight loss groups. Our personal development work is key. As for me, being the team leader, personal development is not an option, but a must!! All business owners know, being a biz owner is not for the weak or faint of heart. So, I have to do a lot of daily work to keep my mind and business strong. There are many authors and speakers that have helped me to stay course. I immerse myself in their books, their you tubes, and social media postings. I’ll share them in order of MOST (1) life changing…
3.”Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen” by Donald Miller. This one really helped me to focus in on what Lemon actually does and how to get right to the heart of Lemon’s purpose when describing Lemon with potential clients.
2. “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle. Society puts us all in cages. Women should look like this, men should act like this, people should, people should not…blah blah blah. Glennon helped me to see it is all a bunch of bull!! The truth is, we should do what our heart calls us to do, not what society thinks we should do. We should dream big and live big!! Don’t ever let someone else (society) tell you who you should be. This is an intrigal part for business owners and even more so for female business owners. Society tells women they need to get married, birth children, do a full time job or be a stay at home mom. Let me tell you, whatever you choose to do, the naysayers will share their own ugly caged beliefs. WHO CARES!! They are going to have an opinion to matter how great you choose to be. Don’t ever let someone’s opinion stop you. You are the only one who has to walk in your shoes. “Untamed” taught to be true to me and forget the rest. It is not my job to worry about others’ opinions, I’m free to be me!!
1. Jen Sincero – I have read many of her books, but the number 1 book that changed my brain from consumer to entrepreneur was “You are a Badass at Making Money.” I worked through some hairy scary childhood trauma with this book. It wasn’t easy, and when I uncovered the limiting beliefs in my subconscious; the work got even hairier and scarier. Sincero helped me to see that I can’t have anything I want in life until I clean up my subconscious. I highly recommend this book to all the entrepreneurs out there. Start doing the hard work, be consistent with it, and watch your business develop into your dreams!!
Can you tell us about a time you’ve had to pivot?
In Feb 2020, I had interviewed with Gold’s and was ready to teach fitness at the gym! Then – COVID hit, Gold’s shut down permanently here in Missouri. Moreover, my opportunity was shut down, but my passion and fire for health was still burning. I needed a new game plan to keep the fire alive!
I decided I didn’t need someone to allow me to help others. Everything I needed to help others feel better was right inside me. I went my own way, and in August 2020, opened Lemon LLC. I worked diligently setting up the business and designing the brand. Moreover, I found like minded business partnership opportunities and partnered up with about 3 other businesses to make all my plans work! By Feb 2021, Lemon was working full force helping a variety of people meet their wellness goals and feel better.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://www.lemonforhealth.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lemon.laura20/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemon.laura20
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-m-0bb266106/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT4NNeVbcdS4UCI6rK9tXPQ
- Other: TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRKjuYXy/