We were lucky to catch up with Katie Miller recently and have shared our conversation below.
Katie, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Owning a business isn’t always glamorous and so most business owners we’ve connected with have shared that on tough days they sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have just had a regular job instead of all the responsibility of running a business. Have you ever felt that way?
I started my own boutique marketing firm in the height of the pandemic because I loved connecting my community members to each other, and I realized I had a talent for teaching them how to tell their stories for conversion. I took a marketing job with a local non-profit organization in January 2020 after staying home with my kids for seven years. I craved being part of a team after feeling so isolated with my kids. I longed for like-minded people who I could collaborate and brainstorm with. I loved a working lunch… new foods… new ideas and nothing remotely to do with Paw Patrol and peanut butter and jelly. The job fell into my lap sooner than I expected, and I welcomed it with open arms—a new start to rebuilding my identity as something other than “mom” (don’t get me wrong, I am proud to wear this badge, but I am a strong believer in balance and there was none of that while being a stay-at-home parent). March 2020 hit, and the whole world stopped suddenly, and then in an ever-pixelated disjointed way, it quickly started putting itself back together in ways that were never explored before. I found that I had bold ideas that could help move the organization in the way of digital marketing. My ideas were met with roadblocks, and I immediately realized I was not surrounded by like-minded individuals when the world stopped. We were all navigating through a global pandemic, and my views and values as a mom with two young kids were very different from those of most of the people in the organization. It was when I came to this realization that I took a huge leap of faith and decided to start my own company.
That leap of faith allowed me the ability to show my clients, my community, and my children my true, authentic self—something that I teach and preach on my social accounts, when I teach workshops, and when I am helping my clients grow and meet their business goals. Owning my own business allows me the ability to “walk the walk and talk the talk.” I can operate solely on my views and values, and help my clients who perfectly fit with and strengthen them. I do not have to bend or break on pushing someone else’s agenda. I have created my own purpose and my own promise that I deliver daily to my clients and community.
Marketing at its best is about creating, fostering, and maintaining relationships. Building these relationships takes drive and passion in your purpose and your mission. I am only my best self when I believe in my mission. Owning my own business allows me to wake up every day and represent a brand I believe in—my brand.
This may not be the path I choose forever; there are days where I crave those working team lunches. But for now, in this season of life, owning my own business allows me to be my best authentic self for my clients and my community.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I have always been a creative. Acting was my passion; it was where I felt safe and connected. I remember putting on plays in my garage and using the roll-up garage door as a dramatic and impactful opening curtain experience. This passion led me to pursue a degree in theater from the University of Washington, where I discovered my entrepreneurial drive. After graduating, I opened my own theater company, merging storytelling with social impact by using Greek myth to shed light on the struggles of homeless youth in my community.
For me, creation is more than just a product—it’s a purpose that serves my community. Advocating for positive change has always been at the core of my being. Over the past four years, I’ve been on a journey of personal healing, utilizing the power of storytelling to navigate through my childhood trauma. This process has taught me the importance of embracing my authentic self and fostering deep connections with others.
I specialize in marketing storytelling for conversion, and brand building to cultivate and maintain strong relationships.
My approach to marketing revolves around building relationships grounded in connection, curiosity, honesty, and trust. Today, I have the privilege of supporting women-owned businesses and nonprofits in sharing their stories for meaningful connection. I thrive on the connections I make within my communities, continuously seeking to forge bonds with clients and fellow community members. It’s an honor to facilitate these connections and contribute to the success of their missions through my work.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
I have a genuine curiosity to learn about people, enabling me to be fully present and forge strong connections. My business experienced rapid growth, exceeding my initial expectations. This success stems from my openness to new opportunities and relationships, coupled with a deep commitment to my business’s promise and purpose. As a result, I’ve earned the trust of my community, positioning myself as a leader in my industry.
My passion for listening and empathizing with potential clients, along with my ability to discern genuine connections, has fostered enduring relationships. These relationships fuel my business’s growth through positive word-of-mouth. I see every encounter with someone new as a golden opportunity for advancing my business. I engage by listening attentively, empathizing sincerely, sharing creative ideas, and fostering collaboration. This approach resonates with people, driving the expansion of my clientele.
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
I found myself in a situation where I felt extremely stuck in the way I was running my business. The rapid growth brought about by my initial success had heightened the need for flexibility. However, in my eagerness to expand, I became what you might call a “yes person.” I found myself saying yes to nearly every opportunity that came my way without considering whether it truly aligned with my business’s purpose and my personal passion.
As a result, I began to feel overwhelmed, stuck, and even somewhat resentful. It was during this period of feeling stagnant that I realized I needed to take a step back and reassess my approach. I embraced the concepts of deep reflection and introspection to rediscover my true purpose and passion for the business I was running.
Through this process, I came to the realization that while some of the services I offered may have provided a higher return on investment, they didn’t necessarily allow me to fully utilize my skills and abilities in the most authentic and fulfilling way. I found myself doing work that produced monetary success, but it left me feeling disconnected from my true creative self.
Recognizing the need for a fundamental shift and change, I made the decision to pivot. This involved reevaluating my business model and making the courageous decision to rebrand my business. By doing so, I aimed to create a platform that truly allowed my genuine talents and strengths to shine through.
Undoubtedly, embarking on this journey of change and transformation was scary and carried its fair share of uncertainties. However, I firmly believed that by staying true to myself and focusing on the aspects of my business where I excelled, I would ultimately deliver greater value to my clients. Through this pivot, I was not only seeking personal fulfillment but also striving to enhance the overall experience and outcomes for those I served.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://kmmarketingservices.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmmarketingservices/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KMMarketingServices1/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katie-miller-551a101b
Image Credits
Janine Slotman