We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Kasia Muzyka a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Kasia, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?
My mission is to ignite the spirit of forgotten passion within each heart I encounter on my artistic journey. I would love to see people opening to who they truly are, to what they truly love. I see a very different way of people working together towards something that is more collective but influenced and flavored by individuality. I imagine that the big questions about who we are, where we come from and where we are going that humanity has asked for millennia will not have to be asked anymore. I see that the experience of fully owing one’s truth will make such questions redundant as the meaning of life gets fully apprehended. Ultimately, I believe that what we really search for is the connection to our heart, our call2love, hence the name of my company.
My idea was to make this connection alive for others through my artistic expression. Art is such an amazing medium to communicate because we do that outside of our thinking, within the universal language that doesn’t need the translation. And then fashion is the most common art that we can share since we do need to wear clothes every day! It seems obvious now to me but my mission and idea for producing clothing was born in the long process and because of that inner exploration.
So for anyone interested, here is the story: I took part in an experiential course where we explored meditation that is based on an old shamanic tradition where one travels to “the land of plenty”, where everything that one’s heart desire is already there. During this meditation I had a vision of my art “walking on stage”. I envisioned my art becoming alive, walking and having its own voice. I was baffled by this vision but eventually I let myself imagine that my art could be on the fabric. I’ve always had a fascination with the fabric and the texture forming sensory experiences. I saw the texture of my art represented with a purpose of being worn. That first time I imagined my art printed on a fabric I thought “that’s what it is, this is my walking art!”. I get my vision now!
Kasia, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I’m an intuitive painter, clothing designer and mother of an 9-year-old boy. Since childhood, I have explored an intrinsic urge to create. Moving through dance, singing, and music schools with countless hours of practice, I started to feel a sense of lost expression that called to me to be transformed into visual art. My energy to paint came later in life, almost from a different language within me. I felt like this expression was imprisoned for many years, waiting for a catalyst to set it free.
My first acrylic paintings evoked such emotion that only then I began to understand the true artistic expression within. Over time, my paintings inspired me to launch Call 2 Love, a wearable art clothing line. I design these garments with the intention of connecting each person to the energy of my paintings and being reminded of the most important relationship in their life- the one with oneself.
Driven by a holistic approach to personal growth, over the past 20 years I’ve enriched my development through the study of mysticism, yoga, and old shamanic traditions. My curiosity pushed me to search for a deeper meaning of life in alchemical philosophy and Jungian psychology. All of this soul exploration has ignited an artistic passion within me, and has deeply impacted my creative process.
I paint today to bring to light messages that come from beyond the veil. I treat my Art as a tool to connect with the Heart and to heal. And my fashion serves as an extension to that with the purpose of creating the “feel bliss” moment for my clients. I call it ‘Fashion From The Heart”.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
My biggest lesson was definitely to learn/unlearn how to not get in my own way. We have been toughed so much to rely only on our logical thinking that we tend to forget that creative process requires to be guided by our intuition, it requires more to receive the true genius instead of trying to force it. As we grow up we learn to believe many stories about ourselves. These beliefs tend to make our vision for life very limited and keep us in a safe zone. We learned that we need to be in control and we are uncomfortable with uncertainty and unknown. But at the same time for a visionary person that becomes a self made prison, making impossible to follow passion and what’s in the heart.
That battle, between our light expressed as our passion/vision and dark side expressed as our limited beliefs is always present.. It takes patience, courage and persistence in holding the vision to be able to deal with smaller and bigger obstacles and not giving up.
When I started my creative journey I didn’t have such a strong sense of the purpose behind it. It took many breakdowns for me to experience a breakthrough and establish deeper knowing within as a foundation for building up my business and showing up every day regardless of temporary setbacks. Ultimately I understood, that is for me, the real measure of success.
Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?
William Whitecloud, “Secrets of Natural Success.” and all his trainings and other books. Robert Fritz, “The path of least resistance”, “Your Life As Art.”
The study of mysticism (years of meditation), Eastern philosophy, old shamanic traditions (like Miguel Ruiz and Toltec tradition), and various topics delivered by the most prominent figures in spirituality, such as Joe Dispenza, Kim Wilber and Alan Watts to mention some, alchemical philosophy and the Jungian psychology.
For more information I invite readers to tune in and listen to our new IG live series we just launched together with @visionaryartcollective. We talk all things art, creativity and philosophy behind successful, not only art, business. And we discuss creative process as an instrument and blueprint which can be translated and followed towards anything we are planning to achieve in life.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.kasiamuzyka, www.call2love.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kasiamuzyka/, https://www.instagram.com/call2love2021/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasiamuzykaArt, https://www.facebook.com/call2love2021
- Other: Listen to recently released New Visionary Podcast with me about The Transcendent Power of Art: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WCJSz6Hr7EocxogzvLWCl?si=qRXMJEh0Sd61iCdkkPebow
Image Credits
Megan Stezka Dorota Gruszka