We recently connected with John Marcum and have shared our conversation below.
John, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
Loss of parents in 2005 and 2010 changed the course of my life in all aspects. Personal and professional.
I served in the US Navy, became a corpsman, and spent the majority of my time attached to the USMC. After the military, I did what we all say we will do…become fat, dumb, and happy. Being a student, I didn’t need an operational level of fitness anymore, and living in Wisconsin didn’t help…there is cheese in EVERYTHING.
Fast forward to 2003, when I received news that my mother was very ill with a rare autoimmune disease. When I laid her to rest in 2005, I was 300#, and wore a 52 suit to her funeral. A few months later, I started a change that would lead me to a much more healthier place and lifestyle. After 18 months of hard work, and some trial and error, I returned to my military ‘fighting’ size. During the process, I had become a voice of change towards everyone in my life. I wanted to help others figure out how to get themselves healthy. When my father was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, this furthered my desire to become a trainer. After a few years of not being happy in my life, I jumped out of the desk job, and became a training director at Urban Active. I was successful at creating amazing training teams at the locations I was in charge of…creating a positive culture of health and fitness. When my father passed, I left the management side of things, and went to the ground level; where I could
directly give back to the people I worked with. It was the little victories every day that made it worth it. It still does. In 2011, I made the decision to start my own training facility, and have never looked back.
Masters Elite Powerlifter
Ranked top three Masters Single Ply in 2018 (pre cancer)
USPA American Record Holder 722# @275 weight class, 45-49, 501.5# Bench
USPA Kentucky State Record Holder, 722Sq/501.5 B/ 598 DL@275 , 45-49 (1806 total)
Cancer is a whole other chapter which also had some redefining moments.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
My wife and I run a faith based business where we educate people on fitness and longevity practices, and how to incorporate them into their lifestyle.
I don’t really subscribe to pride any more, as I feel what we are doing is a calling. obviously, we can expand on this topic during the interview.
Have you ever had to pivot?
This is actually how i came to work in the fitness industry and then become a gym owner.
If you could go back in time, do you think you would have chosen a different profession or specialty?
Yes. Absolutely.
Contact Info:
- Website: Florencestrength.com
- Instagram: @FlorenceBarbell
- Facebook: @florencestrengthyall