We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Dr. KayLa N. Allen, DHA, MPH, PGCEpid, CHWC. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Dr. KayLa N. below.
Dr. KayLa N. , thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?
Coming up with the vision for my business was nothing that happened overnight; to this day, it continues to evolve. At the onset of development, I knew I wanted to build something connected to who I am and what I know to be a part of my purpose in life. Everything we experience and learn in life, in some way, shape, or form, contributes to the future and greater version of ourselves (should we allow that to be so). Therefore, I wanted to tap into that and build something that could give back to others on a larger scale. I aimed to use what was unique to me; I envisioned coaching programs, courses, initiatives, speaking engagements, books, messaging, etc., highlighting wisdom, shifts in mindsets and practices, and logic. I knew that my business could and would succeed because of my passion and the validity of my work. I do not simply share random thoughts or ideas with my clients; I am a co-creator and educator, to say the least. I have pursued and completed several educational routes to connect my work and passion; the value in this is to utilize evidence- and research-based practices in combination with my natural gifts and talents. While people may be carrying out similar programs in different spaces and businesses, no one can do what I do via my brand and business and how I carry it out. In fact, one of my programs, sources of messaging, and speaking topics, “Dear Mixed Girl,” addresses a cultural “concern,” and that is “mixed” race in women and girls and how this impacts identity, love, and life at all ages; that is not commonly or easily addressed, especially when one does not have the experiences or education to support and educate others along their journey. What did, and still does, excite me about my business is that it is life-changing, unique, and well-tailored, and it stems from my cultural, scientific, academic, and life experiences.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
From the outside looking in, someone would introduce me as such: KayLa N. Allen is a Doctor of Health Administration candidate (DHA), and she is a Certified Health and Well-Being Coach (CHWC). She has a BS in Interdisciplinary Studies (science focus and psychology minor), a Master’s degree in Public Health, and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Epidemiology. She is an international speaker and international mentor with a mission to positively shift mindsets, encourage others to embrace their unique identities, shine a light on the power of and need for diversity and equity in healthcare and beyond, and the impact of public health and humanitarian efforts. Some of her verbal/visual messaging can be viewed on YouTube and social media under her brand and business name “Dr. KayLa N. Allen”.
Being a domestic violence survivor turned thriving warrior is only a part of her story. In empowering and equipping former domestic violence survivors, black and brown women, and growth-seeking leaders, she coaches, leads, and mentors utilizing her experiences, education, and training from various respected organizations, associations, and entities.
KayLa shares blogs and quotes via “KayLa’s Positivity Corner”, empowering and thought-provoking letters via “Dear Mixed Girl” (online and personalized via handwritten mail), and vlogs on upper-level education, leadership, and personal development via “Becoming Dr. KayLa”. Her coaching programs are specifically for women and vary in their design. KayLa’s healthcare administration and leadership development programs and courses are well-tailored and generate sustainable shifts in processes from the top-down in individuals and teams.
KayLa is a Global Goodwill Ambassador, a member of ACHE, ALPFA, NOW, NALHE, APHA, and an executive member of the NSLS. She is a humanitarian in many spaces all over the world.
With years of experience as a national executive leader and through her life’s journey of experiences, she uses wisdom, education, scientific and academic research, and evidence-based practices to help evolving leaders become effective and sustainable in practice and through personal empowerment.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
One lesson I had to unlearn partially is regarding assertiveness and the need to be portrayed as such in all things as a business owner who happens to be a woman. It is important to be assertive and strong-willed in many cases. However, that is not the demeanor and position that is required for all situations. Just as well, assertiveness is not a character trait taken in kind. My aim and vision had to shift to combine my lesson with my instincts, character, and personality. Defining who you are and remaining true to that as you evolve is not easy, but it is necessary and worthwhile.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
In the latter part of my doctoral program, I faced a series of required shifts in my research and writing while facing a family death and becoming a full-time cancer caregiver. Surely, we all have a story that changed our lives, but this set of circumstances and the continued shifts throughout that season of my life showed me how resilient I truly am. I was required to carry on in life, business, school, and holistically for myself and those around me. When you face challenges in life, there will be internal and external difficulties; some may even seem unbearable, but with quality support, self-care, and dedication to your vision, you will rise (for the better) again.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://drkaylanallen.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drkaylanallen/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drkaylanallen
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drkaylanallen/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/drkaylanallen
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/drkaylanallen
Image Credits
Gracie Henley | District Studios (LaMont DeSal)