Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Cortice Miles II. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Cortice, appreciate you joining us today. Can you talk to us about serving the underserved.
I am one of the officers with Light of The World. I think this business serves a very huge underserved community. Mental Health is an issue that everyone has to face on a daily basis. It is such a very wide umbrella that most people my not know or think about. Light of the World strives to spread awareness while providing resources to help those who need it. I think mental health is very much overlooked and it need to be a more prominent topic in discussions. Mental health affects all of us and that’s why I think Light of the World is a great business.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am Cortice Miles II and I am the Creative Content Officer for Light of the World. A bit about me, I am a huge anime fan. I love to collect vintage anime memorabilia in my spare time. I also play video games and love most that are nerd culture. The way I got into this business was with my business partner/CEO Xavian Tate. We spread awareness to mental health and suicide prevention to a diverse group of people. I have enjoyed doping this and I am glad that others have benefitted from our work. I have personally witnessed people engaging in our conversations and sharing their experience with different topics. I am grateful to be able to impact people in a way that can benefit them and others in their lives.
We’d love to hear about how you met your business partner.
Well I first met Xavian at UAB in the Student Hill Center. We always hung around the same people so I got very acquainted with him. He came to me when he was starting his business during our last semester of undergrad. After working with him a few times, I basically became a member of his business.
If you could go back, would you choose the same profession, specialty, etc.?
Of course! This business has given me something that I love to do outside of my actual day job that I have. It allows me to incorporate my interest into an outlet that helps others at the same time. I also get to meet new people and I get to travel a bit more too.
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