We were lucky to catch up with Beryl Oduor recently and have shared our conversation below.
Beryl, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Getting that first client is always an exciting milestone. Can you talk to us about how you got your first customer who wasn’t a friend, family, or acquaintance?
When it came to starting my gemstone business, I started by selling gemstone bracelets out of my purse and trunk of my car. My first sale happened at a 8am networking meeting where I pitched my business and showcased some of the bracelets I had with me. I sold 3 that day and I was absolutely over the moon! It was an additional validation that I can step out of my comfort zone and do whatever I put my mind to.
Beryl, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My name is Beryl Oduor and I am a passionate gemstone jewelry businesswoman with a unique journey that spans two continents. I am originally from Kenya, but I now call Florida home. My intention is to infuse my jewelry creations with the richness of my culture, my creative ‘eye’ as well as the energy of my surroundings. I work with gemstones sourced from around the world, and also incorporate materials such as leather, stainless steel and shell.
I love crystals just as much/if not more than I love fashion and accessorizing. I believe there are intangible and tangible energetic benefits to wearing gemstone jewelry, especially when created with positive intent. My goal has been to provide quality gemstone jewelry that doesn’t break the bank, infusing each piece with positive energy and intention.
If I could describe what sets me apart, it would be my authenticity, personal style, friendly personality and social responsibility. Through the success of my business, I have been able to fund a school in rural Kenya, empowering children with access to education, proving them with the opportunity of a brighter future.
My journey is more than just jewelry. I am excited to continue my creative exploration to make a meaningful impact on the people I get to interact with daily, the gemstone jewelry industry as a whole, and the lives of those less fortunate.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
In my first year of business, I discovered the vending world. Florida has a lot of events/festivals/markets allowing small business owners the ability to start their businesses as vendors. It’s a great way to test and sell products without the high overhead costs of opening a storefront.
I was still working as a caregiver at the time and I was eager for this business to take off. Before this business, I tried to become an entrepreneur 7 times and failed ( I say “failed” but it wasn’t truly a failure. I learned a lot and some of the skills I learned I am using in my business today). This time, I had fantastic help from my mentor. He helped me lay out and start the business correctly. I highly recommend getting the right mentor for you – no man is an island, it will change your life!
With a burning desire to move on from the health care industry, I worked 197 events/markets/festivals in my first 12 months.
I worked in the rain, high winds, cold, intense humidity, and boiling heat. Some days I even worked two markets a day where I would work one market in Tampa in the morning, pack up, drive back to St Petersburg 30 minutes away, and set up all over again for a night market. All this with a smile on my face, and maintaining the same high energy I had earlier that morning. I must admit, it was not for the faint of heart, but I was determined not to fail.
I believe resilience is doing what must be done (ethically) to succeed. Being a vendor involves a lot of physical strength, tenacity and stamina. There were several 5-7hour events where I only made $150 but I celebrated every penny I made and I was quite proud of myself.
I believe that resilience is a huge reason why I am where I am today. Once you get out of your own way and do what must be done to succeed and win, your confidence goes up and your belief that you can handle challenging conditions goes up tremendously.
Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?
Yes! For years, I continue to read the book “The Magic of Thinking Big”, by David J. Schwartz, with special emphasis on Chapter 2: Excusitis: The Failure Disease.
The whole book is fantastic but I literally drilled this chapter into my brain for hours on end in the early years of my business. If you are new to business or you’ve been in business for awhile, I highly recommend The Magic of Thinking Big, with emphasis on Chapter 2.
There’s no room for excuses if you want to succeed in business.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.beryloduor.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/beryloduordesigns
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/beryloduordesigns