Experience is often valued because of the lessons prior jobs have theoretically provided us with. While hearing about those lessons isn’t a replacement for actually experiencing it, we thought it would be very helpful to create a space where sharp and generous members of the community can come together to share stories and lessons learned at prior jobs for the benefit of others.
Monty Patterson | Digital Print Visionary
As a young person, just a few years out of college, I was promoted from the manager of the produce buying department for a division of a large retail grocer to the position of assistant produce merchandising director. In the new position, my primary responsibilities were related to the pricing, advertising, and merchandising of products in the produce departments for our division of approximately 125 stores. Also, I was responsible for communicating with our stores, store operations, distribution centers, and other key segments of the business. This meant that I would be doing a lot of public speaking of which I had done very little in the past. Read more>>
Jessica Lindsey | Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach
The fitness industry can be pretty cutthroat and unforgiving. That being said, I have had my share of both good and bad experiences with personal training and coaching jobs. When I first got into training, I wanted to expose myself to different platforms to see what worked best for me. I worked in small gyms, large gyms, community centers, and boutique style fitness centers. I also continued to work for myself with individual clients and small groups. What I found is that working for someone else is just not for me in this industry. Read more>>
Nicole Bean | Pizzaiola
The most important lesson/experience I’ve ever had was how to learn to work with people who are not like you and who don’t work like you. I’d never been told this before, except at my last position. “You’re kind of hard to work with.” Though it was a very difficult thing to hear, especially coming into a new job and a new environment. My new boss felt challenged with me and here’s why… Prior to taking on a new assistant manager (retail) role with an outlet location, I was working for the same company in the specialty department at a high end mall. I’d been with the company 7 years prior to the change. Read more>>
Ramsey Bergeron | Motivational Speaker & Transformational Leadership Coach
I spent 15 years as a personal trainer helping people achieve their physical well-being goals. I learned that most people knew they should be eating better and moving more. The problem was… why weren’t they? There was always a block. Helping people find the block and gain clarity around their real motivation laid the foundation for my presentations and executive clients. Often, we aren’t chasing the actual goal, we are chasing the feeling we think the goal will give us. That’s why I spend a lot of time focusing on people’s energy and intent. Read more>>
Laura Wolfe | Realtor
Prior to being in Real Estate I was a flight attendant on a private jet. It’s a great way to see the world but also a trial by fire in customer service. I was the only flight attendant on planes that fit up to 12 passengers. My clientele was a lot of Rapper’s, DJ’s, bands and the worlds wealthiest. It made me good at reading my audience and providing what they needed during my time with them. It also made me a fast thinking and good communicator. This translates to my real estate business because I am still providing a customer service experience and guiding my clients through likely the biggest transaction of their lives. Read more>>