How could you get to where you are today faster, with less capital, etc?
Matt Turner
Honestly? Raise my prices. One of the issues you have when starting out as a Tasker is pricing. The app recommends something like $10-$15 per hour for all tasks, which is way too low. We need to cover the cost of fuel to and from each task, the cost of maintaining our tools, the cost of purchasing any special tools or hardware to accomplish any given task, and then make a small profit. Hopefully it’s enough to pay the bills every month. Anyway, when I started out my jobs were long, boring, and difficult. Read more>>
Marylie Thompson
Something has to be said for always trusting your gut. Especially in the photography business. If I was able to get a re-do on starting my photography business, I would tell my younger self to trust my gut more. Decisions have to be made constantly when running a business by yourself, and I spent too much time and money listening to others. In my early years of photography I obsessed over other photographers work way too much. I would follow them on social media, study them, copy them… yes copy their work at times. Read more>>
I would have started earlier, and kept quiet about my dreams and ideas. It is amazing how much fear and lack of what you don’t have to start a business, will keep you from moving forward. To anyone reading this….. just start and everything falls into place. Read more>>
Vanessa Denise
I couldn’t decide between 2 of your questions so I’m going to answer both. The first one that stuck out to me is what would I have done differently to get to where I am today. 3 words.. Believing In Myself! I think a lot of people including myself fall victim to self doubt. Even though I believe I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be I still wonder how much farther I would be in my career if I would have believed in my dreams years ago. Instead I let self doubt take over and completely walked away from my talents because I didn’t think I was good enough. I didn’t think I’ll be successful. Read more>>
Anna Osgoodby
I have so many answers for this question! At the end of 2020, I actually went through the process of starting over in a lot of ways. So this is a question I pondered a lot during that time. Previous to owning Going Bold Studio, I owned another business and after running that company for 5+ years, my business partner decided to take her career in another direction. After weighing my options, I ended up walking away from a buy-out deal and decided to launch a new company from the ground up. It was a scary decision at the time, especially because we were still in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, but I went for it anyway! With that decision, here are some of the things I focused on that helped jumpstart the growth of my new company and things I’d recommend to others starting out. Read more>>