What’s your view on asking friends and family to support your brand? We asked members of the community to open up and share their views on this controversial topic. Check out some highlights below.
Yash Bhika
Since my services are in Photography, I actually don’t mind asking friends or family. I think everyone in my circle is always looking for a professional photo. I ran into a situation recently where a friend of mine was interested in graduation photos, but after looking at the price I was charging, he did not feel comfortable paying that amount. Read more>>
Roberto Gonzalez
When it comes to asking loved ones for support in my business ventures, finding the right balance can be a delicate dance, from setting clear boundaries to maintaining authenticity, So lets explore where to draw the line and glide thought heartwarming anecdotes along the way. Together , we’ll navigate this entrepreneurial journey. Read more>>
Daniquia Bailey
I learned a long time ago that family and friends are the least likely to support your business, so I try not to ask. If they choose to, I’m always grateful, but the majority of the support I’ve gotten has been from people I didn’t know. I would ask for support and offer free services and get excuses. Then there were some who would only participate if I was offering a free service, which is where I had to draw the line. Read more>>
Bria Ball
Through my friends and family’s support I was able to start my business. I believe when your able to reach out to your circle of influence before you start your business, they are able to support you through it. Growing up I did all my friends hair, from doing sew-ins in their bedroom after school to getting them glam ready for prom. Read more>>
Amanda Flowers
I am very grateful for my friends and family who show up and I have grace for the ones who phase in and out. I think asking questions and seeking acknowledgment is appropriate, but having expectations tied to a connection of that relationship is not. Read more>>
Devan Moll
As hard as it is to ask for help or support, I’ve found that friends and family will support my business without me needing to ask. It’s not only about someone making a purchase or giving money to help grow the business. It’s really the little things that help out the most such as sharing social media posts, leaving reviews, or mentioning your product to the people in their lives. You never know who will end up hearing about your product and be a potential customer! Read more>>
Angel Hunter
I don’t really feel like it’s necessary to ask your family and friends to support your business because if they support you, you shouldn’t have to ask. Introducing them to your business should be enough. I personally have not asked family or friends to support me but don’t see a problem with it. Read more>>
Eddie Hines
I find it difficult to ask friends and family to support your business in the same tone as Jesus Christ when he returned to his hometown. He had the ability to be great, but the ones he grew up with I’m didn’t see his potential and didn’t buy in. I think once i take off financially then you get the interests of your friends and family but more for their taking, not contributing. Read more>>