We often hear about bad bosses, but we think it’s important to talk about the good ones because we hope that by giving folks examples of how to be a good boss we can inspire future bosses to be better, to do better for their employees and all stakeholders.
Caroline Pearce

To date, the best boss I’ve ever had is Lee Hillman, the CEO of Performance Health Systems. I’ve worked for Lee for 20 years, right out of University, educating, promoting, researching and presenting the benefits of the Power Plate, the World’s leading vibration training platform. Read more>>
Kristin Bibat

The best boss I ever had was Carrie Brackin. She was the store manager at lululemon athletica, where I was part of the management team from 2009-2011. During that time in my life, it was a personal and professional goal of mine to become a certified yoga teacher. Carrie, who is a yoga teacher herself, encouraged me to pursue teacher training, and connected me with her teacher who was hosting a teacher training. Read more>>
Walter Sanders

Growing up I was always interested in music. Starting with my first drum set at five years of age. My father was a singer and Sax player. By the age of twelve I was an accomplished Drummer, Piano/Organ Player. My fav. entertainer besides my father was James Brown. At the age of eight I was able to see James Brown in person for the first time, accompanied by my parents and my neighbor Mr. Garner who worked at the concert hall. Read more>>
Crystal Valdez

The best boss that I ever had was at one of the worst jobs I ever had. I found some of the best people in that role. Thinking back on it now, she even had a hand in creating the safety and openness that helped me to connect with my colleagues, too. I don’t think that her shoes are easy to fill and I definitely recognize her as a role model. Some bosses you feel like you’re working ‘for’ them. Read more>>
Stacey Wright

Before moving into the field of mental health and wellness, I spent 20 years in tech. I’ve always had an independent streak and wanted to prove to others that I could do things that weren’t necessarily expected of me as a quiet, introverted, brainy young woman. Read more>>
Grant Reitz

While working at Abbott Labs I had a fiery Creative Director named Pat. She was/is a kind women who loves gardening, plants, being outside, and ripping apart designs made by me. I say that with kindness as when I first started at Abbott almost all of my work experience up to that point was Illustrative and vector work. Read more>>
Linda Nguyen

I had an amazing boss who was an exceptional leader and made a lasting impression on me. By organizing team-building activities and outings, he recognized the importance of cultivating a sense of camaraderie within the workplace. This allowed team members to get to know each other on a more personal level. Read more>>
Clinton Roane

Hands down, the best boss I’ve ever had the honor of working with was legendary director/choreographer Susan Stroman. She gave me my Broadway debut in a show called “The Scottsboro Boys”. It was also my very first job after graduating from Howard University. After the show closed on Broadway, she cast me in regional productions of the show, as well as the U.K. premier at the Young Vic Theatre. Read more>>