We often hear about bad bosses, but we think it’s important to talk about the good ones because we hope that by giving folks examples of how to be a good boss we can inspire future bosses to be better, to do better for their employees and all stakeholders.
Aiyana Lewis

The best boss I have had would have to be myself. Throughout my journey as a creative, I have had the chance to interact with all different walks of life with mediums similar and even different from mine. In an environment where self-motivation and inspiration fuel our very well-being, it can be difficult to gauge how much I have achieved. Read more>>
Thea Raskin

I had a boss that took the time to correct me, to give me the basics of how the “world” operated. Honestly. I was young, about 27- 3rd job after college and there were some fundamentals I didn’t quite grasp and honestly, I needed to be explained. No one comes out of the womb learning how the larger world, and especially business world operates. Read more>>
Olivia Casellini

The best boss I’ve ever had is actually now my business partner, Sam. When I was a second year law student, I accepted an internship at a small law firm and met my now-business partner, but at the time he was one of my supervisors. There are so many reasons why he’s been a great mentor to me: he’s an invaluable source of legal knowledge, he’s always encouraging when I express doubt in myself, he checks in on me when he knows I have a stressful project or I’m not feeling well, he’s open to critical feedback, he keeps his word and acts with integrity. Read more>>