We LOVE a good story, especially when it’s a heartwarming one. Below, you’ll hear some amazing stories from incredible business owners, practitioners, and creatives and artists.
Dominique Brown

On my journey of grieving the loss of my mother, my best friend, and closest confidant, I was navigating mainstream therapeutic and mindfulness spaces that felt very white-and western-centric. They did not address my particular needs and experiences. Out of that process, I thankfully encountered spaces and healing practitioners that centered Black women’s wellbeing and wholeness. Read more>>
Darius Norman

I would like to thank Canvas Rebel for giving me this opportunity to share today with your viewership about a recent heartwarming story I was involved in. As a social worker, I work with individuals who face challenges in different aspects. And I look for this story to provide comfort, inspiration, and strength to those who are looking to be inspired to overcome the challenges that life throws at us. Read more>>
Jennifer Bullen

Something that warms my heart on a regular basis is when I get to witness a client living in a way that they have not been able to access in a long time! Being able to hear from a client that are feeling things in a new way or that they are getting good rest! I am hearing things like- I am sleeping, taking less medication, I have libido!! Witnessing life changes like leaving toxic situations and overcoming big challenges because they can work with the BIG emotions and sensations they are encountering. Read more>>
Jamee Pineda

I’m not someone who sugar coats things or always tries to look on the bright side. I can be cynical and pessimistic, too. When I step into the treatment room with someone, it is a different situation entirely. Healing work is inherently optimistic. We have the potential to re-write reality. Read more>>
Sarah Ruprecht

After I first opened my business, I had a patient come in. It was an average day and began in average conversation. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but it triggered my patient. At first I felt horrible, then they began talking. From her social media and casual convo, you would think it their home life was perfect. However, it wasn’t. I won’t go into the details, but they were struggling. After our appointment ended, we both went on with our day. About 7-8 months later they came back for an appointment. Read more>>
Lisa Sylvestri

Cancer is such a devastating disease and period of time in a person’s life. Patients often hear so much bad news, make difficult choices, experience so much stress, that many times seeing a physical therapist is put off to deal with more life threatening issues first. By the time I DO finally get to see a patient, they are in so much discomfort that she wonders if she will ever feel normal. The first time I was able to put my hands on a patient and help them, I realized that I was in the right profession. Read more>>
Jesus Garcia

My heartwarming stories come mostly from my shaman & curanderismo traditions though community healing practices and plant guided meditations. Each time I am asked to hold space for various community groups, someone if not most of my attendees are moved by the experience and expression of emotions. Read more>>