We were lucky to catch up with Xiomara Urrutia recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Xiomara, thanks for joining us today. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
I have always been very bad at keeping a job long term because nothing felt like “my thing” so I just kept thinking I can get another job better, and I always have a side hustle- my friends make fun of me because every time I get a new interest or hobby, I turn it into a hustle because the one thing I value above all else is my time. A likely example is when I got into juicing for health reasons and decided to juice for 30days. Being a millennial, of course I posted it on social media and when friends started asking about it I said what I always say ” of course I can do it for you, but it’ll cost you” ;-) and as a result I’ve opened and closed multiple businesses. During the quarantine, I sytatrted a hustle I named ‘Date Box’ and it was a cooking date that gets delivered to your door since couples needed more entertaining and being that a lot of people had free time, the same following I’ve had for years that has seen my many hustles started asking questions about how to start their own. After walking a couple people through it, I realized it was taking a lot of my time so I googled the title for helping people build a brand and a business and Consulting seemed like the best fit; Ancla Consulting was born out of that.
Xiomara, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is Xiomara (zee-oh-marah). I am a Brand Consultant and Business Coach. My expertise are surrounding the creation of a brand and coaching on best practices to build and maintain a profitable business.
I radio myself in helping people create the life they dream about wether it’s growing in their current career or building something from scratch that allows them to walk away from a paycheck to paycheck job.
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
When I started coaching people nohow to build a business, I was still employed and fortunate enough to work from home which gave me some freedom to work around other people’s schedules. As a single woman locked in during quarantine, I had a lot of free time to schedule clients and come up with detailed strategies for each of their goals. Entrepreneurs born during the quarantine have a special bond because they found a way to turn tragedy into triumph and we will always have this historic timeline to refer back to as the beginning of some really successful brands.
I believe the secret to being to go from side hustle to full-time entrepreneur is your dedication to your dream- notice I said dedication and NOT motivation. Motivation fades quickly, but the dedication that comes from having a real vision for that business or that brand is what makes all the difference. I help paint that picture to the ultimate goal and then we work backwards to set out a practical plan to achieve it.
Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?
As an entrepreneur you HAVE TO become a reader or audiobook listener. You cannot grow all by yourself, you cannot create every new idea by yourself, you should depend on your limited experience to grow and that is where other people’s experiences and words come into the rescue. The first book that changed the way I do things was “Atomic Habits” by James Clear; it teaches you the practical way to apply and change your habits so that you can be more effective on a daily basis. the second book that helped me as a people serving business was “Wired that way” by Marita & Florence Littauer, and this book teaches you about the way people think inherently and how to manage those interactions.
I am a big fan of the entrepreneur lane on YouTube, there is a video for every topic you might need to learn about, affirmations to start your mornings, and even motivational clips to play in the background while doing busy work. Don’t limit yourself by thinking “I’m not one of those people that _________” become that if you want your life to change.
Contact Info:
- Website: anclaconsulting.com
- Instagram: @ anclaconsulting