We were lucky to catch up with Wyatt Coleman recently and have shared our conversation below.
Wyatt, appreciate you joining us today. When did you first know you wanted to pursue a creative/artistic path professionally?
I was always curious how music was made, the moment I found out I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. This goes back to me being a child without even knowing it, I always made musc the center of my world and it’s always been the outlet i’ve turned to throughout my life. I’ve been writing songs as long as I can remember. It took me years to fully realize the vision and begin studying and learning the industry and I am still learning every day!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Wyatt Coleman @madebydubs – all of my music can be found @ madebydubs.com
Once I learned how to make music I started chasing my dreams and never looked back. Music saved my life and has always been there for me. I’ve been called W or Dubs my entire life by family and friends and I turned that into Dreams Under Blue Skies. I made my website MadeByDubs.com and taught myself to write, produce, record, mix and master and I’ve been releasing music since 2014. I’m a student of the game always learning and working to get better. Grateful to be on this journey and I appreciate everyone who makes it possible.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being creative in your experience?
Those moments where you really connect with another human. Whether that’s in the studio, creating, listening, or performing. Just the connectivity of music in general is what to me is so infectious. In September of 2021, I started asking my fans to choose the song titles and artworks for my songs, something I like to call MADEBYUS and since then I have received thousands of votes on the song titles and artworks for my new music. I recently released a new song featuring Mick Jenkins which the fans ended up titling “Glass of Water” already amassing over 175,000 streams in less than 2 months! With more MADEBYUS releases on the way you can help me choose my song titles and artworks for my music too. .
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
My words will be here when I’m gone, that’s something that stays on my mind. At the end of the day, the goal is to be remembered. Longevity, through music has always been my focus. I’m here to make music that will last longer than me.
Contact Info:
- Website: madebydubs.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/
madebydubs - Facebook: facebook.com/
madebydubs - Twitter: twitter.com/
madebydubs - Youtube: https://www.youtube.
com/channel/ UChPFFXmDFEfUQDiOQkgaGhg/ featured
Image Credits
Westpunk Media – Dani B.