We recently connected with Victoria Richardson and have shared our conversation below.
Victoria, appreciate you joining us today. Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
I was sitting in a leadership meeting in the spring of 2023. We had just gotten a new investment partner and he was flying into town to meet with us. Prior to his arrival, he asked that our entire leadership team take something called a Kolbe assessment. I was shocked that I hadn’t heard of it before because I am someone who is OBSESSED with anything that gives me insight into the way I operate. I took the test and shockingly, I got a “Perfect Score!”
As he walked into the room he nearly had to duck through the doorway. He was a very tall man with a calm and watching presence. He sat down directly across from me and we went around the room with introductions. He asked for everyone’s Kolbe results and I quickly wrote them down and passed him the paper with everyone’s numbers on it.
As he went from person to person, he was giving insights into the way they tend to operate. It was amazing… he was pointing out things that we were surprised he knew. How could he know what drives us crazy about each other?
Then he got to me… He asked, “What did you say you do again?” and I responded, “I’m the director of Marketing…”
He said, “hmmmm interesting… you know… You and I have nearly identical scores…”
Now mind you, this is a billionaire from Texas and he is insanely successful by any standard definition. He said, “You know, if I were hiring for your position… I probably wouldn’t have hired you based on your score.” I was shocked, I said, “WHY!?” and he stated, “well, you’re really great for about two years and then you’ll get bored and want a change.”
At that moment, my heart dropped. I thought, “did this guy look at my resume before he came in here?!?!?”
He was calling out a quality in me that I thought was extremely normal — and now I know it is, but only normal to people like me haha. I started talking about Human Design — a system that I am passionate about sharing because it offers a roadmap into our energetics and a strategy for how to live in more alignment with more ease. I explained that I am a Projector and I’m designed to guide others and be invited in before sharing my insights.
Then he said, “You ought to go get Kolbe certified.” My Projector heart lit up! An invitation to get Kolbe Certified! Yes please!
That summer I enrolled in my certification program and shortly after that I enlisted in the Team Specialist. I am currently working toward my Youth Specialist certification and I am passionate about educating others through the lens of Kolbe within my organization and through my coaching practice.
This moment opened a lane of opportunity that I was not expecting and led me here. I now help compassionate, mission-centered entrepreneurs, business leaders and executives do less and achieve more by building a deep self awareness and optimizing their energy. I help them build resilient, highly-performing teams so they can tap into their natural strengths and talents to create extraordinary results.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
About two years later, I went through the PSYCH-K level 1 and level 2 certification so I could help myself and my clients with the same transformative healing I experienced. I have expanded my practice to include the wisdom of the Emotion and Body code and have blended my knowledge and skills into various forms of healing. As I healed, my psychic and intuitive abilities expanded and now I provide many services for my clients including:
- Rapid Revive — Kolbe interpretations, consultation and implementations for organizations and businesses.
- Rapid Realign — Human Design Readings.
- Rapid Release — Subconscious Reprogramming with PSYCH-K as well as finding and releasing trapped emotions and balancing misalignments in the body from a subconscious level.
- Rapid Reclaim — A rapid deconditioning process where we deep dive into your Human Design and use PSYCH-K to upgrade limiting beliefs and shift your perspective so you can live in full alignment with your design.
- Rapid Reflections — A remote healing session designed to provide insights, transformations, and guidance from your highest self and spirit guides.
- Rapid REM — Receive intuitive messages through the language of dreams.
Primarily, I help people rediscover who they were meant to be and help them rise into their full potential by optimizing their energy so they can gain freedom of their time and expand their purpose.
What sets me apart from other coaches/consultants is my innate ability to see the most effective, efficient path forward, blending my vast knowledge and wisdom to guide you to your desired destination.
I am most proud that I am living a life that I am inspired by and feel in total alignment with who I was designed to be. I consider myself my best client and I live what I teach. I don’t believe that life needs to be a struggle and I serve those who are ready for true transformation!
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
I have been fired from a lot of jobs… like A LOT! It became a joke but ultimately, I was confused why I was always in the same position again and again. Luckily, I didn’t ever really take it personally because the excuses most of them gave I knew weren’t my truth. I knew who I was, what value I provided and for some reason… they didn’t like me. I didn’t know why, but it was a theme.
Each time, I would tell myself, “I don’t want to convince you to keep me around…” so I would go and apply for a new job where I would be valued. Each time I got a new role, my pay increased and the way I saw it, the rejection was redirection for a better opportunity. However, the pattern kept happening and I didn’t want to have to get fired just to find a new and better role.
In the spring of 2021, I was embodying my Human Design and was in the midst of subconscious reprogramming and it came up again. I felt like my boss was driving me out and I couldn’t wrap my mind around why. I did everything she asked of me — and more — but yet the goal posts kept moving and I was bound and determined to prove her wrong.
My PSYCH-K coach said, “What would happen if you didn’t have to prove anything to her? What if you just walked away?” This question stopped me in my tracks. I had so many programs, beliefs and experiences holding me back from even considering that as a possibility.
I eventually went back to my earliest memory of this pattern when I was 16. I rewrote that story on a subconscious level to a version where I was empowered and full of self worth. I told that manager that I was unhappy with the job and I wouldn’t be coming back. The decision was in my court now!
The following week, I wrote a request for a new manager effective immediately. This was something I could never have imagined doing prior to working through my subsconscious limitations. Ultimately, the request was denied and I was let go, but I felt empowered this time. I felt a literal weight lift from my shoulders. I knew — and believed — this was the turning point I needed. I trusted that the universe had my back and I would be catapulted to my next opportunity with ease. And that’s EXACTLY what happened.
This experience not only illuminates my nature of resilience and positive mindset, but also shows that we have a choice and power to change our patterns. I no longer need to learn my lessons the hard way or get fired from my jobs!
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
I have an insatiable quest for knowledge. This doesn’t necessarily mean traditional school, or training — although I do explore that from time to time — it means that no matter what sparks my interest, I allow myself the time, money and resources to explore it and I go down many rabbit holes. It’s like I am constantly following the breadcrumbs in life and allowing the path to unfold unsure of the destination. I know this is how I am designed to be, but for a long time I wouldn’t allow myself to dive in completely because I thought the random topic was taking me off course or not moving me toward my goals. I know differently now. I would encourage anyone to just allow yourself to not know the plan or destination and just follow the signs in front of you. You might be pleasantly surprised as to what it leads to!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.therapidrenegade.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_rapid_renegade/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-richardson/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFWLgm3PdnAo7yUhQX_0uA
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_rapid_renegade?lang=en