We recently connected with Veronica Kelly and have shared our conversation below.
Veronica, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today If you had a defining moment that you feel really changed the trajectory of your career, we’d love to hear the story and details.
When I was in my late 20’s I was a writer, performer, and bartender in Hollywood. I played my life fast and loose while living in my art. I had written and produced a web series loosely based on my dating follies. During our premiere I watched all my failed relationships with total jerks playout in succession. I was shaken by amount of horrible situations I had been in and was smacked in the face with the realization that I was 29 and never had a serious long term boyfriend! I then stepped back and looked at my entire life. I had no savings (although I made good money), very self destructive habits and a track record of attracting jerks into my life. It was at that moment that I realized maybe it was me? I needed to take responsibility of my life. I got help and learned that I had a subconscious belief system that I was “Unlovable” and “Unworthy”.
I grew up with a lot of instability and abandonment between the ages of 1-5. My mom was a drug addict and I ended up moving in with my Grandparents. This abandonment created an unconscious belief system that was running my life into the ground.
I tried all the therapy: hypnotherapy, talk therapy, seminars, and read the books but nothing changed in my life. It wasn’t until I learned the Emotional Freedom Technique and got my Yoga Teacher training that I actually saw changes in my life. Once I got out of my head and into my heart and body I started to attract amazing opportunities. Quickly everything started to change! I attracted and amazing soul changing love and my prosperity grew! That is when I got really clear on my mission to teach others these life changing skills. The Emotional Freedom Technique is so powerful and once you learn it you can apply it to anything. I believe when people learn to love themselves and forgive massive transformation can follow! This is why I have dedicated my life to helping people level up their lives with self love. If I can do it – anyone can!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
In my 20s I was a total mess! Since I completely changed my life with Self Love, Emotional Freedom Technique and Yoga I have made it my life’s mission to teach others to do the same! So many of us have unconscious limiting beliefs keeping us stuck in some area of our lives be it relationships, health, finances or overall wellbeing. I have been working with clients in a blended modality atmosphere to identify the core belief systems so we can move through it. Once we release the old stuck pattern with EFT, we will strengthen your relationship to your own authentic self love. I have different tools I include in my healing sessions – EFT, pranayama, guided meditation, yoga, crystal singing bowls sound therapy, somatic movement and energy work. Everyone is different and each situation is unique so I blend my skills to accomplish the goal at hand. There are many ways to work with me. I do 1:1 EFT sessions on zoom, 4 week group deep dive courses, live events and workshops all over Austin and 8 week intensive 1:1 coaching programs.
I get so much joy from watching people transform their lives. I am very passionate about the butterfly effect that is caused when one person heals – it genuinely effects the world around them. I find it so satisfying to whiteness my clients fall in love with themselves then quickly attract a soul partner. I know anything is possible when you learn to love yourself and let go of your limiting beliefs and blocks. I believe in miracles and find it an honor to help facilitate them in my clients life. This work I get to do is such a blessings!!!
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
In 2020 the pandemic hit me and my professional career HARD. Los Angeles was in total lockdown. I had lost all my private yoga clients, my studios closed, and my inperson practitioner office was shut down. Because I was 1099 for the majority of my business I got almost no support from unemployment. I was leaning on my fiance financially and figuring out my next steps. Then in September 2020, he broke up with me unexpectedly after 5 years. I was devastated and had absolutely no clue what I was going to do to make ends meet. I literally got on my knees in prayer and meditation daily and asked for guidance. I connected so deeply with Spirit and surrendered 100%. That is when I was guided to some amazing online opportunities for $$ and gained the location freedom to finally move back to Texas. From this place of total broken hearted surrender, spirit guided me on my path to deepin my mission of helping others. It all started with the strengthening my own self love and self worth. I then downloaded my Mastering The Art of Self Love signature course. I have now helped many many people fall in love with themselves and I shout it from the rooftops that you too can overcome anything with connecting to Spirit and Self Love. From this place of complete breakdown I had my life changing breakthrough.
Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?
One of the most inspiring books that I have read and applied in my life is “Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I quote it often in my workshops and with clients. He speaks to the power we have to create the life of our dreams. He says in the book, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change!” I feel that expression is helpful with business, relationships, and the world at large. Flexibility, open hearted curiosity and confidence are some of the important qualities to have when bringing your life’s mission to the world. This book helped me to believe that I had a bigger mission waiting for me and gave me the tools to bring it into reality. The teachings in this book are powerful no matter your age or your success level in life.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://www.healyourselfwithveronicakelly.net/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veronicaajakelly/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msveronica.kelly
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronica-kelly-4ab982208/