Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Tyelur Watkins. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Tyelur, appreciate you joining us today. Being a business owner can be really hard sometimes. It’s rewarding, but most business owners we’ve spoken sometimes think about what it would have been like to have had a regular job instead. Have you ever wondered that yourself? Maybe you can talk to us about a time when you felt this way?
I am extremely happy as a business owner. Most people want to own their own businesses so they can make all the money in the world and have financial freedom. That is not my only goal. When I had an employer, our values didn’t always align. A lot of my jobs were fantastic. I never bought into the idea that I had to work somewhere even though I hated it. So even though I didn’t agree with every process, placement, service, reason, etc. I still enjoyed whatever I was doing for 40 hours a week. And If I didn’t, then I sought other employment.
The best thing about owning my own business is always representing what I 100% believe in 100% of the time. I’m able to structure a business out of MY core values and MY mission. Not adopting someone else’s intention and hoping nothing changes.
The only time I ever think to have just a regular job is when the going gets tough. But that’s the quick & easy route. I won’t say it’s cowardly because plenty of people make that jump, but I’m ready for the storm. I’m ready to work hard & continue creating the life I want to live. I’m prepared to learn from mistakes/risks that didn’t work out the way I wanted them to. I’m eager to work through (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually) those growth opportunities so I can live the successful life I want that was rooted in my values.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Tyelur Watkins & I own/co-founded ASP Branding here in Austin, TX. I grew up in South Austin where I went to school and skated with my friends. I was interested in filming at an early age, and I started creating videos based on skateboarding. Those videos are pretty much lost forever on YouTube but my TikTok @_tyelur has a lot of phenomenal content. By 2019 I took my old hobby of filming and turned it into a service I provided for businesses to help them grow. By 2021 I partnered with other outstanding like-minded individuals to form the company I represent today: ASP Branding.
We are a strategic branding company & go further than most agencies. Our approach would be the same as treating the whole body at a doctor’s office. We look to assess and treat the whole brand, instead of one specific area, if need be. We are honest throughout our entire relationship and create/maintain a strategic roadmap of success with creativity, accountability, and true partnership.
Most companies aren’t sure exactly what they need, so we help develop a roadmap of strategy & action to reach & exceed their goals. Also, we identify our team as edgy professionals- we aren’t your typical agency. We are extremely fun to work with, are very creative when it comes to business, and have a high potential to be someone’s favorite company based on our personalities alone. I truly love my team, my clients, and what we do.
Can you tell us the story behind how you met your business partner?
My partners were actually my client at one point. We met at an event I was filming for another client, & they asked about doing a project for their own company, Atomic Souls Counseling. After that project was complete, one of the owners took me out for lunch and proposed we go into business together. I was extremely hesitant at first (thanks trust issues!) so I sat on the thought.
The reality of the situation is that my former client, now partners, that wanted to go into business together had something entirely different to bring to the table than I did, and had proof to show what they knew worked. The only question left was if I was ready to take that giant next step and scale this company. I do not regret ANYTHING!
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
I started my company at a very fragile time in my life. I was newly single living in a one-bedroom apartment I couldn’t afford, and charged pennies on the dollar to get the experience of providing my service. I worked a day job that didn’t pay me enough money. I made some extra cash by doing rideshare every day before/after my day job. I had just gotten my first dog, Zoey. I financed a new car after the other was wrecked by someone. And I’m only 22. This was a TOUGH year for me.
Then, about a year later once I started making “good” money with my company, I have a near-death experience when a freak accident happens and I drown in a pool. The doctors were telling my family to get ready to say goodbye. After I miraculously survived that incident I quickly got back to lightly working- editing videos waiting to be delivered. The grind did not stop! I went part-time at my day job and quit entirely 6 months later to pursue my full-time career in branding/marketing. By that time I’d just turned 23. I didn’t have much help from people, taught myself everything I know, surrounded myself with people I wanted to learn from, sacrificed a lot, and grew. I’m not cocky, but I’m also not surprised. It’s like cause & effect. I put all this hard work in, and the result was evident. I looked at life and said, “bring it”. Without being resilient I would’ve within the first 6 months!
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @aspbranding
- Facebook: https://www. atomicsoulsproductions - Linkedin: https://www. aspbranding/