Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to The Bartley Team. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, The Bartley Team thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. What did your parents do right and how has that impacted you in your life and career?
Both Damico and I attribute our work ethic to our parents. Me (Tamika) in particular, I was given space to take risks, even as a child. I would show interest in certain things and my mom would be fully on board. The best part about it was that my mom didn’t always need to understand it fully herself, she just supported me. She wouldn’t ask about the financial responsibility, the time it would take, nor the demands on her schedule, she simply said yes. The saying “More is caught than taught” applies to my mother and I relationship. My mother had a great work ethic, she always participated in things and with people that she enjoyed, she was a giver, and she monitored her words. She didn’t insult, criticize, judge, or spew negativity. So naturally I possess those same things. It pays off because both my husband and I work in the business of people, both young and seasoned.
As for Damico, his mother built the interior of airplanes. She was a single mom, fought poverty, and purchased her first home in her early 20s. He also watched his mother work long hours while still managing to cook or bring him out to eat. Her past could’ve been repeated and led to abandonment but she chose not to. She relied on her “village” which explains why he’s so good with all people, regardless of their ethnicity or background. He has a gift of conversing with whomever. He cares authentically. It doesn’t have to show up on a billboard listing all that he has impacted, most people have no idea how many people he has helped. His mother never let her left hand know what her right hand was doing and her son is a carbon copy of that scripture.
All together, we have been the renter, the homeowner, and the landlord. We have been near foreclosure, we have paid off massive debt, and live incredibly comfortably. We get it. Regardless of where our client is, more than likely, we have a similar experience. We have these commonalities because our parents worked hard and loved hard. It’s a compliment to our dual careers.
The Bartley Team, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Tamika Bartley
Curriculum Coordinator for Reading and Writing – Writing curriculum and training for Sheldon ISD
[I taught for 7 years before being promoted to District Specialist in neighboring districts. I love all things literacy so writing curriculum for middle schoolers is pure enjoyment.]
For the Culture, Literacy Development – a professional development that trains teachers how to incorporate culturally relevant texts using research based practices.
[I attended a large training session for writing led by a guru in the industry. The presenter didn’t know how to address questions about minorities. In that moment I knew God impressed upon me to offer resolve and that’s how For the Culture was born. I partnered with two other amazing experts, Monique Boone and Melody Gerard, and we’ve been training since.]
Books and Brushes – a literacy workshop for kids that includes read alouds, discussion, and theme canvas painting
[I was talking with a colleague who shared with me about a librarian doing “Painting with a Twist” with toddlers. I was stooped and inspired. I knew if it could work for toddlers it certainly would work for elementary aged up. Hence, Books and Brushes was born and I’ve led 5 years up to 40 years of age.]
The Bartley Team – Real Estate Agent and Team Member
Damico Bartley
Principal – Ross Sterling Middle School, Humble ISD
[Entered into Education as a Special Education Teacher for Behavior Management, progressed to Assistant Principal, and now a Principal for over 7 years, a servant leader at heart.]
The Bartley Team – Founder and Real Estate Agent, leads a team of 7 other agents, JLA brokerage
[He was praying one night and asked God how to become wealthy and he felt impressed to move into real estate, he record breaking finished in 4 weeks and has been hitting over 4 million in sales each year.]
Tee Shirt Man – provides t-shirt screen printing in bulk for select companies and leagues
[When he first began teaching he ventured into watching t-shirt’s be screen printed on YouTube and thought to himself he could too. It started with small orders (5-10 shirts) and groups to leagues (100+). Due to the demands of education and real estate he only takes large orders now.]
We are most proud of staying aligned to our purpose, our strong suit, what God has called us to do. There’s so much freedom and joy in that. We know we are called to people, truly helping people, and that’s what we do. It doesn’t have to come with a lot of bells and whistles. We are most affected by the after taste of it all; home ownership, developing legacies, changing the trajectory of people’s lives, watching them generationally put a stake in the ground. It’s overwhelmingly a place of happiness for us both.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
When Damico and I were only 21 years old we had just moved to an older neighborhood in a 3 bedroom trailer. The neighborhood had a small community center and we had this grand idea to invite kids from the neighborhood to discuss 9/11 and its impact on their lives, their family, and where do we go from here. We sent out over 150 flyers to churches and non profit organizations. CiCi’s Pizza even donated 50 pizzas. The center was so gracious after knowing our reason to give us the center at no cost. We were thrilled. And do you know, no kids showed up. It was about 6 of us total; our youth pastor, a few mentors, and a few mentees and 50 pizzas. We were so dejected and confused. We just knew God impressed this on our heart. We just knew this was a need. We just knew.
Not even 3 years later, we moved into a larger suburb and by now we are new teachers. We decided we’re going to open our home for a small youth group to go over pressing topics in the young culture, play some games, cultivate a discussion, do a salvation call at the end and wrap up the evening until a couple of weeks later and we’ll do it again. This time we passed out 20 flyers. No churches, no non profit organizations. We unlocked our door at 6:30 pm on the dot and 52 kids showed up. Yes, 52.
We also knew then. We knew God impressed it on our hearts. We just knew this was a need. We just knew.
Sometimes, it’s in the obedience of following your heart, your calling, and in the right season the harvest will be available. You just have to be ready and don’t give up.
What’s been the best source of new clients for you?
Referrals. So many of our clients are referrals. We are relationship oriented so much of our success is based on that alone. We believe in establishing friendships, long term relationships with our clients. That’s just who we are. We respect humanity, we respect that everyone has a story, everyone’s story should be valued. And to join their story is a privilege. Relationships are a form of wealth. Not many see it that way, but we witness it all the time.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @thebartleyteam
- Facebook: The Bartley Team
Image Credits
Damico Bartley TRJ Photography with Terrence Jackson