We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Tay From Cycle Breakers. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Tay below.
Hi Tay, thanks for joining us today. Learning the craft is often a unique journey from every creative – we’d love to hear about your journey and if knowing what you know now, you would have done anything differently to speed up the learning process.
I am entirely self-taught. I knew how to sketch, but I didn’t have any experience with design programs. But I’m all about collaborations, so I started by working with a graphic designer, who did a great job. When you’re kicking something like this off, there are so many different ways you could do it.
The learning process was so necessary, but I could have sped it up a bit if I sought mentorship from the jump. I’m ok creatively, but I would have gone after people whose strengths are my weaknesses. I have to listen and shut up and sometimes, and that’s why I surround myself with the people I do. They help push me in the right direction.
Confidence is such an underrated skill. Specifically, confidence in the execution. In the last few years so many people have reached out – I have been in rooms with people who have the best ideas. The only difference is some have the difference to see it through and some don’t. The execution of your intent IS the skillset.
When you asked about my obstacles, I had to take a pause. It’s myself every single time. We can be our own biggest obstacle so often. I have noticed that planning and organization really help with this. I’m pretty good. when I write down a goal and devise the plan. That way, I can make a few checkpoints as opposed to feeling overwhelmed by not knowing where to start.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I’m so big on collaboration and community – everyone could w1n. Everyone should w1n. When I first started this, I would get together with one of my friends every other Sunday to distribute essentials to people without homes throughout different parks in Atlanta. A lot of the time, we would just be talking to them. A strong community is so important to me.
Within the brand, we are constantly collaborating.. A sense of community is key on every level. ME. < WE. I created Phuck Fridays when I was turning 30. I felt so inspired. I think 30 is a milestone for a lot of us to reflect on our lives. It’s a good time to look around and take stock of what you’ve accomplished.
I wanted to do everything I could to change my situation. I was working at a call center and I noticed that every Friday, the people who were usually miserable were finally pleasant for a blip. Friday was payday, which for them, meant happiness. People commented about how I would eventually lose my sparkle – but I didn’t want that. I had to get out of the Monday through Friday grind and it split my stress. That’s when I started flirting with the idea of getting paid every day and not waiting until Friday and pursuing something that I knew would be fulfilling for me. Why wait for Friday to be happy?
All w1ns. We swap the letter “i” for the number one to stress the unity. One-mindedness – these concepts are colorless, ageless, limitless, unifying.
Any resources you can share with us that might be helpful to other creatives?
I thought in business, there could only two outcomes – you could either A. be the peoples’ champ and sell a lot, or B. you could be below average and not succeed. Lo and behold, I learned there was an option C all along. Partnerships and sponsorships can act as a helpful resource that I truly didn’t understand that until last year when I started networking with other local business owners who were already killing it with these tools.
Contact Info:
- Website: phuckfridays.com
- Instagram: @wearecyclebreakerseveryday
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearecyclebreakerseveryday
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deonta-r-440799224/