We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Sonata Allison. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Sonata below.
Sonata, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today We’d love to hear about the things you feel your parents did right and how those things have impacted your career and life.
I think something my parents did right was by being people who did things in excellent. My mom was a teacher and my dad was a pianist and they were both excellent at what they did. They were also fun loving, I remember when I was a kind, too scared to go on rollercoasters, my parents went on the hulk at six flags and I thought that was so cool. I think that fearless side of my parents and the excellence they strives for, with a sprinkle of humor in everyday, allowed me to bring about a podcast that I am proud of. I talk about a taboo topic so I incorporate humor and I think that helps the audience feel more at ease.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I have a podcast about Christian sexuality, and yes I know, you rarely hear those words in the same sentence. That’s why I thought it was so important to talk about. I’n the past I believe that Christian’s haven’t handled the topic well whether that be not talking about it at all or not explaining the why behind the beliefs. I think that’s led to a lot of unnecessary lessons people end up learning and a lot of unnecessary hurt endured.
When I was getting my undergrad in psychology at my Christian university, I took a Christian sexuality class, and we talked about so many things from a Christian perspective that are rarely ever spoken about. It inspired me to go home to friends and have conversations that we probably never would have had if I didn’t take the class. Then when I got my master’s I did my capstone project on sex education in America and I learned so much more about the lack on continuity. After the pandemic I felt the Lord put it on my heart to create a podcast, so I did because he’s God and all, and it’s allowed me to make these conversations more accessible to everyone. One of my top listeners is South Africa right now, at one point it was India, and at another the UK. I’ve had the privilege of walking people through their boundaries in dating and encouraged others in their testimonies about pornography addiction, girls and guys.
Sex is a beautiful thing that was created by God and he delights in his children learning about sex…and having sex within the confines of marriage, believe it or not. He tells us in his word to seek understanding, so why wouldn’t he want us to talk about one of the most bonding experiences on earth? When people allow fear to creep into the conversation about sex it leads to confusing messages like sex is bad or our desire for sex is bad and that’s not at all biblical. So I incorporate biblical truths, research, and humor to tackle topics from the importance of knowing your anatomy to communication and relationships and everything in between.
Is there mission driving your creative journey?
My particular goal is to reduce the shame around sex in the church. There are Christians crying on their wedding nights because they feel that they’ve sinned against God by being intimate with their spouse. Sex is a beautiful thing when engaged in the right context of marriage. It can be healing and lend to the safety and bond of a committed relationship. If the church would teach it that way and warn about the dangers of engaging too soon instead of demonizing sex, we’d be better off.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
I will tell you now. When I started utilizing TikTok the podcast really took off. Before I used TikTok we were on a stead incline but I had a viral video that’s at about 140k right now that really set my podcast on the path it’s on now. So many people have been able to engage with me on the app and ask great questions and laugh with me about dating jokes and my wild Christian dating experiences. The app has definitely allowed me to further my reach and impact more lives so I’m so grateful!
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @theparallelpod
- Facebook: @theparallelpod
- Youtube: The Parallel Pod
- Other: TikTok: @theparallelpod