We were lucky to catch up with Shaunic Stanford recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Shaunic, thanks for joining us today. It’s always helpful to hear about times when someone’s had to take a risk – how did they think through the decision, why did they take the risk, and what ended up happening. We’d love to hear about a risk you’ve taken.
I felt called to be a writer in 2011. It couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time as I was finishing up my doctorate in physical therapy. My first thought was, really? I would have gone to school for my MFA instead had I known. Nevertheless, I listened to the small voice, began researching how to write a script, and slowly started working on my first feature film. I improved my craft with each story and fell more in love with it. I also got my fair share of rejections from writing fellowships I had applied for. I attended the Sundance shorts lab workshop in March 2016 and left feeling inspired, believing I could make my own short film. At the time, I was working on a short screenplay that I knew would be great to shoot. On my long drive home, I envisioned myself living in California as a writer, living my dream; I felt so full of hope. But, at home, my reality felt hopeless. I was in an unhealthy relationship and was not fulfilled in my career. A few months later, I got the courage to choose myself. I took the risk and left everything I had known to pursue my dream as a filmmaker in California. Although it didn’t happen overnight, and life took me on some detours once I arrived, it was worth the risk! I wrote, directed, and produced an award-winning short film, The Best Time in 2021. I traveled all over the world for film festivals and met some amazing people. The film also allowed me to make great connections that have helped open doors. So take the risk!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Shaunic Stanford is a driven storyteller with a creative imagination and a deep love for the arts. She studied acting at the Cincinnati Playhouse, discovering her passion for writing. Shaunic focused on screenwriting at the Jacob Krueger Studio and learned television comedy from Jerry Perzigian (The Jeffersons, Golden Girls). Her screenplay, Decide, was a Semi-Finalist in the 2016 ScreenCraft Short Film Production Fund. It was also placed within the top 50 in the Shoot Your Short competition and was a second-round finalist at the Austin Film Festival’s Screenplay Competition. Shaunic wrote and directed her first short film in 2021, The Best Time, which has received many awards, including a Platinum Remi Award for best dramatic original, at WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival in 2022. In addition to her film studies and accomplishments, Shaunic has a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Mount St.Joseph University in 2011. She currently lives in California, where she enjoys spending time with her family.
For you, what’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative?
The most rewarding part of being an artist is completing a project. Seeing my visions and ideas on screen has been amazing. It’s also beautiful to connect with people through my art.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
A goal of mine is to create a limited series based on my short film, The Best Time. I already have my pilot and treatment and am preparing to pitch. My children also drive me to continue by teaching them to follow their dreams. I am living in my purpose when I am writing. It brings me joy.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.thebesttimefilm.com
- Instagram: @Shaunic7 and @thebesttimefilm
- Linkedin: Shaunic Stanford
Image Credits
BTS: Carla Grace Fajardo Still photographer: Pablo Circa