Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Shannon Perry. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Shannon, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you talk to us about a project that’s meant a lot to you?
The “In Her Shoes” Mother/Teen Daughter tour is the most meaninful project I’ve spear headed.
Before my mom passed away from cancer, she was my sounding board for this event. Not only was she my best friend, she was my secretary. Mom traveled with me and served in a support role at each “In Her Shoes” event. She even helped write the theme song. She was passionate about moms being equipped to successfully raise their girls.
After my mom passed away, I thought I might quit teaching “In Her Shoes” since it was hard without her being there. In March of 2021, however, I began to feel that I was being directed to do a tour of the event. I didn’t tell anyone because that seemed way bigger than anything I felt equipped to do. In April of 2021, I was approached by a stranger at one of my women’s conferences who asked if I had ever thought of doing a tour, and that she would love to help me. Imagine my surprise when she told me she had been George Strait’s tour manager for years! I surrendered to doing the tour, and things began to fall into place. A dear family who owns an RV Rental sponsored our transportation for the tour and surprised me with the tour bus of my dreams! Shortly after that, another sponsor agreed to pay our gas for a year. Now, my team and I travel the country in our beautiful tour bus teaching Moms and Teen girls how to strenghten their relationship in the areas that matter most. There is nothing more meaninful to me than when I see moms and daughters laughing, crying, talking, growing and embracing at “In Her Shoes.” We also have a ton of fun at each event!
My years as a school teacher and counselor certainly helped to equip me to reach moms and their girls and I am so very grateful to be teaching the “In Her Shoes” conference throughout the U.S.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Shannon Perry is an Award Winning Author, TV Host, Speaker and Recording Artist.
Shannon is the Award Winning Author of five books including her #1 Best Seller “Grace and Guts: Strategies for Living a Knock-Out Life.” Shannon interviewed over 5,000 women when writing “Grace and Guts” and asked “What areas do you struggle with the most?” Drawing from her background as a counselor and truths from the BIble, Shannon outlines steps to take when facing exhaustion, dealing with difficult people, esteem, finding purpose, facing fear, uncertainty and many other relevant topics so women can throw the “knock-out punch” in the tough areas and win in this ring called life.
Shannon is also an Award Winning TV Show Host of the show “Grace In High Heels,” which airs into over 100 million homes weekly.
Shannon is a National Recording Artist and has sung with the Houston Symphony and in Carnegie Hall. She has also sung the National Anthem before 70,000 fans at an NFL football game and for the World Series Houston Astros.
Shannon has been named as the “Favorite Speaker” by numerous groups around the United States and is a woman with a powerful story to tell. Her favorite story to tell is how she became the mom to a son who never had a mom.
Shannon holds a Master’s Degree in Education and Counseling and is a Certified Instructor in Parenting Classes and Crisis Counseling. She is considered one of the foremost experts on bullying in the country. Her articles have appeared in numerous magazines includng Focus on the Family and Brio Magazine among many others and she has been featured on numerous TV shows addressing issues that parents and teens face in today’s culture. Shannon’s podcast for parents and teens titled “In Her Shoes” can be viewed on YouTube and heard on all major podcast platforms. On each podcast, Shannon addresses current issues that parents and teens face in today’s culture.
Shannon has written three original conferences for women and one conference for Moms and Teen Girls. Shannon is the featured speaker at church and school events throughout the country. Her most recent tour for Moms and Teen Daughters titled “In Her Shoes” has been deemed by parents as a “must attend” event. Countless moms and teens alike say they’ve gained life-changing skills at “In Her Shoes” and many drive 6-7 hours to attend an event.
Shannon received a “Reader’s Favorite” Award for her book “Stand: Staying Balanced With Answers for Real Teen Life.” Many of the strategies taught at an “In Her Shoes” Mother/Daughter conference come from her books “Stand” and “The Overlooked Generation.” Drawing from her experience as a school counselor, Shannon wrote “The Overlooked Generation: Parenting Tweens and Teens in a Complicated Culture” to help anyone raising or working with a teen. Shannon is passionate about reaching the next generation and realizes that the adults who have influence in a teen’s life must have the necessary tools to help guide teens to be all they were created to be.
Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
The goal that drives my creative journey is to know I have fulfilled the purpose for which God created me. When I sit in the red rockers on my front porch one day, I never want to think “I wonder what would have happened if I had been brave enough to try that?” I want to look back and know I left a legacy that far outlives me. For me personally, that is impacting the next generation. Through the “In Her Shoes” Mother/Daughter tour, books, podcasts, TV, Radio and Coaching Program for Moms and Teens, I want to know that the lives of the women and girls I am allowed to influence are forever changed in a way that inspires them to make a difference in generations to come.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
In one year, my Mom and my Dad were diagnosed with cancer and were patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am an only child so I was their caregiver. In that same year, I had my first surgery because doctors believed I had cancer in my eye. The day after my surgery, Hurricane Harvey hit and devastated our town. We lost things on our property but our home was spared. In that same year, I lost part of my finger in a very freak horse accident and my only child was deployed to the Middle East. My mom also passed away.
Facing the challenges of that year made me feel like I was in a boxing ring getting hit over and over again. I knew others that were feeling the same way so I wrote my book “Grace and Guts.” The cover of the book is me looking over a pair of boxing gloves. After asking over 5,000 women, “In what areas of life do you struggle the most,” I took the top 12 topics and combined strategies from my counseling experience and scripture to help readers learn how to throw the “knock-out punch” and win in this ring called life.
Contact Info:
- Website:;
- Instagram: Shannonperryministries; inhershoestour
- Facebook: Shannonperryministries
- Youtube: Shannon Perry; Inhershoestour
- Other: Podcast-“In Her Shoes” on Spotify, Apple, Google Play and Amazon