Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Shannon Dougherty . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Shannon , thanks for joining us today. Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
When I client told me, “Shannon, you’re more than Macro coach, You’ve changed my life in more ways than one.”
I set my clients up for lasting success not only with a physical transformation, but more importantly a shift in their mindset habits, and approach to maneuvering life. My clients gain confidence and control of their choices and life, which is priceless.
When clients initially come to me, they’re overly fixated on weight loss and a goal number on the scale. They have a negative relationship with labeling foods good vs bad plus rules and restrictions from previous diets. We quickly get started on removing food labels and rules. A big wide world of freedom opens up once they realize how free they feel to eat all foods in moderation.
Watching my clients shift from caring less about the scale number and more about their overall health, energy, sleep, happiness, confidence and non-scale victories, I am beaming with pride. My goal is to leave my clients in a better frame of mind, armed with tools for lasting fat loss success when our time together is done. I set them free with life skills to be successful forever.
Shannon , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Fit Mom Living (FML) is a nutrition-focused, program-oriented approach to living a healthy, flexible and balanced life. As a Certified Macronutrient Coach and lifestyle enthusiast, I founded Fit Mom Living in 2020 after struggling with my personal weight loss journey and short-term fixes. As a mom of two, I understand the struggle of losing self-priority. Upon discovering a healthy lifestyle and the power of macro tracking, my wellness programs guide my clients to eat what they want, when they want, in a sustainable and healthy way by tracking macronutrients.
Fit Mom Living programs teach clients to drop fat and gain confidence through guilt-free, flexible nutrition by simply tracking and managing the macros in each meal consumed. Clients are led through each program and provided with additional, real-time support from myself and the FML community as a whole. FML (Fit Mom Living) offers a total of four different coaching programs, which include private one-on-one coaching and group coaching, and three health-oriented books. Through the different programs, clients learn new ways to meet personal goals while achieving great long-lasting results.
Do you think you’d choose a different profession or specialty if you were starting now?
No, I love what I do. I’m passionate about helping women look and feel their best through flexible nutrition. My no-nonsense approach to coaching allows women to hear the truth and answers that may sting a bit, but propel them forward in the right direction. Nothing changes if nothing changes, that’s why so many people are stuck in the same rut and endless diet cycle. I am confident I can change everyone’s life I come in connection with, especially when it comes to shifting their approach and relationship with food and the freedom to live a balanced life.
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
I’m extremely honest, transparent and keep things very real. In today’s world there’s so much competition and jealousy, so many folks trying to keep up with the Joneses. I want nothing to do with phony fakeness. I show up without make up, in my pjs and talk about my personal struggles, challenges and how to maneuver life in a realistic way. When you’re relatable, you build trust. I build my clientele through my transparent, real-life honesty, relationship building and referrals. I can understand what others are going through from a diet, struggling, desperation standpoint. I’ve done it all! It hits home for so many busy moms juggling work life balance that they’re not alone. I’m not looking for perfection, I don’t like rules, I want people to try put their full ass into their effort and do their best.
My clients and followers on social media know that what they see is what they get, and sugarcoating my coaching trashes is not the approach I use. When people start working with me, they know me from being upfront and honest, so we have a bond from the start.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: FitMomLiving
- Facebook: Fit Mom Living
- Linkedin: Shannon Dougherty
- Twitter: sjaydougherty
- Other: Pinterest: @FMLShannon
Image Credits
image with sitting on stool with laptop and lead image with black long sleeve top and wood chopping block Stephanie Heymann photography all other images: Stephanie Slezak Photography