Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Sassy Evans . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Sassy, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What were some of the most unexpected problems you’ve faced in your career and how did you resolve those issues?
Whew, that question can be answered in so many ways, with many different levels. Well, the most unexpected problems that I have recently faced in my business would be: 1. Setting my business up for financial success and 2. Contracts being breached and how to navigate these issues. I guess the more important issue is setting up my business for financial success. The past year I hired more models and worked on a lot of fashion projects that required travel. I used a lot of my personal income to fund and/or pay the new models/or clothing for projects. Simultaneously, paying for my business reports and etcetera. I started to document my expenses and utilized financial excel spreadsheets to understand my finance habits and where the money was mostly going. I felt so immature and was very hard on myself and thinking “How do I set my business up to be more financially stable and not use my personal income or every check that I receive for my work?” Because my company is starting to be in more demand and growing, I knew that I needed to modify my finance habits in order to keep things consistent and set the ground work for it’s continued growth/success.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
What’s up to the newbies and welcome. My birth name is Klanea (Nea) Evans but I go by Sassy. I’ve always loved people, art and beauty; especially when it came to myself. I have an awareness of where I am constantly (MOODS) , and my wardrobe would always reflect it as well. It was my favorite form of expression and my own “safe place”. I also have a gift of caring for people. I love to support, listen to and care for people that has been through things and need assistance with finding and loving who they are through their appearance or through being there to root them on. I have been through a lot in the industry, from people taking advantage of me and my gift, exploitation, racism, and other unfortunate events that happen in the Fashion/Art/Entertainment industry. I use my SASSY (strong, caring, intelligent, resilient, quality) personality to shield and assist others (mostly but not limited to WOMEN) whether on set, or meetings/conferences, contracts, and more. I specialize in model management (contractual), wardrobe, closet editing, model castings, event hosting, fashion/entertainment podcasts, etc. I do it all! I am HER! My Sassy brand and K.Maree Consulting LLC businesses are my way to giving back to the world.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
My SASSY-ness for sure! People gravitate towards me due to my presence. I love people, I don’t think I can express that enough. I love to be that person that no-one knew they needed. Most of my clients have come from them watching how I interact with others, what I stand for, my consistency in my attitude and how I stand up for myself. I am not afraid or intimidated easily, I am respectful, humble, loving, and always ready to work and learn. I show up and I keep my promises of executing quality work no matter what.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
Stop trusting people in the industry! Omg. I had to un-learn that and it took me sooo long. I grew up in a Christian household and we were taught to give people the benefit of doubt and other good stuff. So because I grew up not assuming the worst of people or believing people could be evil to others, I learned things the hard way. I was overly kind and trusting and have been burned A LOT. Contracts (verbal/written) are IMPERATIVE (proof/documentation is key), discernment, clarity of the situation between parties, setting boundaries, leaving when you see/find things that does not meet your morals, values, and vision of you and your brand!
Contact Info:
- Instagram: kmareeco
- Facebook: kmareeco
- Linkedin: Klanea Evans
- Other: email: Text/Call: 913-636-1169