We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Sara E. Johnson a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Sara E. thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
During 2020, while the world was shut down I had just given birth to my second baby. I struggled with severe postpartum depression and anxiety. I felt completely alone. I didn’t know how to ask for help. I couldn’t verbalize what was I experiencing, but I knew something was wrong. Family members started noticing how “off” I became. I typically was a social butterfly, but my personality started to shift rapidly. I became disconnected from everyone, and everything, including my own baby. I had the scary thoughts and feelings that my family would be better off without me. One day on a run with my sister and friend I was counting down the cars to see which one I could jump in front of to end my life. It got scary, really fast. When all of a sudden I felt hands push me back onto the side walk. Hands of which were not next to me. My sister and her friend were ahead and looked back to see tears streaming down my face. In that moment I knew, and my sister knew I wasn’t okay. Later that day with push from family, I got the help I needed. The changes weren’t over night by any means, but I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I began therapy, supplements, took hormone tests, focused on self-care, etc. just when I had an impression from God: “You are to write a book that will help other moms”. “I thought to myself NOOO way am I going to write a book”! Long story short, I took the risk and wrote the book. The title of my book is called Finding Your Diamond Through the Rough. Knowing full well that what we go through is to refine and polish us. The content and exercises in my workbook are the very things that I used and still use to this day that helped me get out of the darkest time in my life.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Sara is the definition of fun! She loves to laugh and find ways to bring out her inner-child. When she isn’t “momming” or working, she will be found outside on some adventure connecting with God and nature. Sara is the fourth of six children. Her family means everything to her and have been the biggest cheerleaders a gal could ask for. Sara graduated with her Associates Degree at age 17 and graduated 2 years later with her Bachelors Degree in Biology, Psychology and Physical Education- studying the Mind, Body, and Spirit connection. Sara chose to become a Life Coach to help others transform and move forward in their lives despite the circumstances they are facing. After experiencing Sara’s own physical and mental health battles she knew she wanted to turn her pain into purpose. Sara does this work to repay the goodness of her life by investing in the lives of others.
Sara is a certified Self-Care Life Coach that focuses on practical coping skills to aid in regulation of the nervous system, connecting the mind, body, and spirit. I use a variety of modalities such as somatic breathwork, EFT Tapping, sound therapy, thought work, meditation, mirror work, and more. What sets her apart from other coaches in her industry is that she brings God into the work. She believes that true transformation and healing can only take place on a deep spiritual level. In so doing, she helps men and women focus on real self-care that deepens the love, compassion, and acceptance they have for themselves. Simply put, Sara helps others feel like themselves again.
She hosts women’s retreats, couples retreats along side her husband (a certified breathwork practitioner as well). She runs three LIVE courses throughout the year: Nervous System Overhaul, Love Yourself, and a Marriage Course. Sara and her husband have a monthly membership where they do a coaching call once a week- for individuals and/or couples. Sara also has her mental health self-help workbook, digital courses, and a variety of merchandise with positive messages.
Sara is always sharing self-care tips and ideas on Instagram @diamondsintherough.coaching, but the real change takes place when you decide to invest in yourself because you are tired of being sick and tired. Nothing changes if you don’t, and Sara is the life coach people choose to help them emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially so they can become the best version of themselves!
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
Authenticity. I am me! I show up filter free. What you see on social media is what you will get in real life. Vulnerability brings connection and I thrive off of soul connection. I am not one for superficiality. I get deep quick- I share personal stories, I share my insecurities, my big emotions, the good, the bad, the ugly. I share it all to relate to others and help people to know they aren’t alone. When I am living authentic, I know I give others permission to do the same.
If you could go back, would you choose the same profession, specialty, etc.?
Absolutely!!! I love the work I do. I love seeing the shifts and transformation in others. I love learning and researching things I am passionate about. I love bringing people closer to God. I love helping my clients move forward in their lives. I love educating. I love offering practical, applicable tools to use daily. I love being able to bless peoples lives online and in person. This work doesn’t just change my clients lives, but it changes mine too. This career path has allowed me to really focus on things that matter most. It’s given me freedom in more ways than I can count.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://diamondsintherough.life/
- Instagram: @diamondsintherough.coaching
Image Credits
Picture Credit: Kelsee Boyer and Katie Hanks