We were lucky to catch up with Salissa Smith recently and have shared our conversation below.
Salissa, appreciate you joining us today. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.
I was 17 when this idea came to my mind. I had several dreams about the logo and the words. I started by drawing different ways I wanted the logo to be and how it will look on shoes and clothes. I began by bedazzling Jean jacket with the jbs design, but I didn’t work. Fast forward years later, I met my fiancé who suggested to us fiverr to get my logo made. I followed his advise and saw my vision come to life.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am a 33 year old first time mom who loves creating and crafting. What makes my brand different from other is it’s anyone and everyone. My brand just be strong can be for anyone going through a rough time or a challenge. Whether you have gone though a natural disaster, lose of a love one or going through a illness; my brand will help anyone make it through.
What’s worked well for you in terms of a source for new clients?
Word of mouth is how I have gotten most of my business. From co workers, to family, and church members those are my best clients
Do you have any insights you can share related to maintaining high team morale?
I have many years of experience with management in different industries. It takes patience and understanding to be a great manger. Never forget where you came from or started from it makes you more reliable.
Contact Info:
- Website: Www.justbestrongllc.com
- Instagram: Justbestrongllc