We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Roxy Tart. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Roxy below.
Roxy, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Can you recount a story of an unexpected problem you’ve faced along the way?
My seamstress used to line all my garments with silver fabric because she loved that no matter what the situation was, I could always find a silver lining. That’s important to me, finding the silver lining, the good, the positive in whatever situation I’m in.
I wasn’t necessarily a happy child; we were poor, my stepdad was abusive, and the people around me always seemed to be upset about something, but I wasn’t unhappy either. I had friends, and family members that loved me, and the freedom to be as creative or weird as I wanted to be. And instead of taking the bad parts of my situation and letting them pull me down, I lived in a fantasy world where every color was a little bit brighter, every sound was a little more pleasant, and things tended to sparkle just a little more. When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say “beautiful”. What I couldn’t put into words is that I wanted to live a beautiful life, and I wanted to share and spread that beauty with everyone around me. I wanted to share my strange little sparkly cartoon fantasy world with..well..the world.
As I got older, this manifested physically in the clothes I wore, my make-up and hair, and the environments I surrounded myself with. I had all different kinds of jobs, most of them laidback and creative where I could be myself; but being a stripper, wrestler,…even working in a kindergarten classroom, none of that was what I was looking for. I tried all types of art, just about every type of craft you can think of…but I wasn’t feeling any of it. Nothing I was doing was allowing me to make the world a more “beautiful” or better place.
For a long time, I wasn’t even sure what that meant. I wanted to make the world better, sure. Brighter, yes. Prettier, uh huh. Happier, absolutely. But how? I had no idea what I was put here to do.
And then, we got social media. Here it was, a platform big enough to reach the whole world! Now I just needed to DO SOMETHING with it. I did a lot of things, lol. I had a couple of podcasts, as a journalist I wrote some blogs and was a movie critic, and I was a model and an influencer. And through it all, no matter what kind of content I was making, there was one consistent thing; people always told me I made them smile. I made them happy. I made them feel better about themselves. I made the world a more colorful place! And eventually, I realized that what I needed to do, was something I’d been doing all along. I could make the world a more beautiful place one person at a time. Not just with hair and make-up and clothes, but by helping people build their self-esteem, grow their confidence, and see what an amazing person they are! I was never good at building models or houses, but I was great at building up people! Nothing makes me feel better inside than seeing someone discover their self-worth, or embrace their authentic self.
So now, finally, I feel like I’ve found my path on this creative journey we call life. By taking the time to learn who I was, and be brave enough to be my authentic self; now I can help others do the same. And every person that walks away a stronger, more self-assured, more fabulous version of themselves helps make this world a little more beautiful.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I want to make the world a more beautiful place, and I think the best way to do that, is to help people become the best versions of themselves. Not a cookie-cutter version that society thinks is best, not the version that their parents wanted them to be, but their true, honest, authentic selves. Some people like the term Life Coach, and it’s cool, nothing wrong with it, but I prefer Positivity Activist…it’s much more me! My mission is to help people build their self-esteem and self-confidence, learn to love themselves, live their best and most fabulous lives…and also make the world a more colorful, sparkly place while I’m at it.
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
Never Eat Alone by Kieth Ferrazzi is an amazing book. It talks about networking not in a “what can you do for me” way, but in a “what can I do for you”, “how can we help each other”, “when one of us succeeds, we all succeed” way. If everyone approached business, and life, this way, the world would be a more pleasant place.
Influencer by Brittany Hennessy teaches the business side of being an influencer/content creator. The book, plus her online community have been invaluable to me. If not for both those things I don’t believe I’d be able to do what I do full time.
Do you think there is something that non-creatives might struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can shed some light?
Something I hear a lot from non-creatives is “how much money do you make” or “how much do you charge for that”, like they think there’s a certain amount of money that makes you successful. But success isn’t defined by how much money you have. Success is different for everyone. To some it might be sharing your art with thousands of people, even if you’re not making any money at all. For some it’s helping people, and the feeling that comes with it. And for some it’s just overcoming the obstacles that life throws at us and staying true to yourself.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.roxytart.online
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxy_tart/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roxy.tart.9
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roxy-tart-72b255221/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/roxy_tart
- Other: TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@roxy_tart Academy of Fabulosity: https://www.instagram.com/academy_of_fabulosity/ https://academyoffabulosity.ck.page/products/academy-of-fabulosity-subscription