We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Ronald Guppy . We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Ronald below.
Hi Ronald , thanks for joining us today. Naming anything – including a business – is so hard. Right? What’s the story behind how you came up with the name of your brand?
I came up with my media agency @Whatsnexf.media becasue I’m constantly wanting to stay motivated and be ready for the next move
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My business started out a few years ago I had the motivation to go full force and really take my photography/ video career to the next level and become a full time director of photography, I started out at one of my brothers Vj boxing Match and now I’m shooting some of the biggest artist and celebrities in the entire world. I’m super grateful for the opportunities and level I am at now of expertise. I’m building a legacy that will be legendary and one day I will win a Grammy for ! It’s coming sooner than later for sure.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
A lesson that I had to unlearn is that you can’t trust labels in a contract they say one thing and next thing you know they are telling you something else .
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
Win a Grammy for best photographer in the world by the year 2030 or earlier !
Contact Info:
- Website: Shotbyron.com
- Instagram: @shottbyron
- Facebook: Shottbyron
- Twitter: @ronald_swav24
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/Xhp_CI9GDQ0?si=JK-JSbJgw7YUxImA