We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Robin Rettie a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Robin, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Please tell us about starting your own firm and if you’d do anything different knowing what you know now.
The concept of Lighthouse Learning Resources emerged in 2007 quickly, without hesitation when my level of concern about the beautiful students I had been privileged to work alongside became elevated. Special Education in Texas has been underfunded since inception, we rank 47th in the US for funding. While advocating for my students’ education, I knew I had to resign to return as their advocate to secure the necessary educational programs. I did so, filed 3 Texas Education Complaints and we won all 3. My students were able to remain in the programs they needed. I was off and running.
When LLR opened as a brick-and-mortar business in 2011, navigating was firmly anchored in being a for-profit business with a social purpose of good. Lighthouse Learning Resources comes with a story. A difficult story turned around. Lighthouse Learning Resources (LLR) is named in honor of Laurie Lorraine Rettie (LLR), my sister, and all those like her.
Laurie died in 1969 in Willowbrook State School; a state supported institution for developmentally disabled individuals who were deemed dependent for all of life’s needs. Located in the remote area of central Staten Island in New York City, residents experienced unethical and inhumane treatment that went on unchecked for years. Laurie’s life story represents the past, LLR represents the future; supporting education to improve the quality of life of well-deserving individuals.
Lighthouse Learning Resource’s logo represents a gesture of guidance and hope to those navigating life with a difference. Hope comes through LLR opening back up providing a multi-purpose center offering PT, OT, Speech, tutoring, manufacturing, retail, and employment training in all areas with a focus on animal care. My concern for my students in 2007 was anchored in fear for their future. Would they, too, end up in an institution due to poor quality of education? Rather than criticize an already overburdened educational system, LLR is solution based.
My advice to young professionals venturing into business would be work with a partner, it’s difficult to manage all responsibilities alone. Additionally, LOVE the business you choose…it is all consuming, but when loving your business working nonstop is not a burden.
Robin, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
It’s a bit ironic I became a teacher. I began kindergarten at age 4, attended speech, and struggled with learning throughout my school years. My father was in the Army and we traveled every 2 years. By 9th grade I had lived on 3 continents, moved 9 times, and repeated 4th grade. Socializing was easy, but learning was painful. My challenges resulted in self-doubt and anxiety.
Graduating with my undergraduate degree took me 12 years due to my own learning challenges. I emerged with a degree in education; the very public place that caused me severe anxiety. The more engaged I became in understanding my own learning challenges through personal exploration, I began sharing with others what it feels like to live with a learning disability. My support for my students has always been strong; I understand and embrace them unconditionally. They feel that they are safe in my/our classroom; safety is necessary for learning.
When I resigned teaching in 2007 mid-year, it was the beginning of change for me personally. I have sense learned I do not have any cognitive deficits, but I do have dyslexia and I am significantly hearing impaired, have been since birth. Had it been known of my challenges, learning would have been supported as needed.
With an increase of self-taught knowledge, LLR emerged to broaden the scope of services adding Educational Consultants, Staff Development, and The Anchor Teaching Framework© – a comprehensive curriculum anchored in mental health instruction to utilize for life.
LLR’s uniqueness is our approach of teaching children, Kindergarten and up, about neuroscience; the interactions of the body and brain that can result in mental health breakdowns. We’ve witnessed an increase in childhood anxiety and mass shootings in our country; current day approaches are not working. The Anchor Teaching Framework© provides in-depth teaching modules that allow children to explore and understand what triggers their challenges, why anxiety occurs, and how to train-the-brain to remain calm enough to make wise choices. Management of behavior becomes the responsibility of the child, not the adult. Children are taught very specific research-based strategies to self-regulate, as they come to know that what is happening in their body and brain occurs through the human sensory, peripheral, and central nervous systems, and the limbic system.
LLR’s mission is to increase awareness and support to individuals challenged by learning, social, and emotional development through all phases of life; early childhood, school age, and adulthood for the purpose of increasing access to all of life’s opportunities. My mother didn’t have help with Laurie; when working with families, their child becomes one of ours. LLR staff do all we can to help the family.
LLR provides support to individuals in a variety of ways.
• Educational Consulting – determining specialized services through Rti – Response To Intervention, 504, IDEA – Special Education in all areas of need; learning, emotional and social development, speech, and sensory challenges.
• Educators, professionals, and parent training related to behavior; utilizing research-supported strategies and anchor tools to improve educational, home, and community experiences supportive of individuals reaching and maintaining a state of calm as they navigate life.
• Specialized sensory products offered with information specific to an individual regarding the purpose and use to maximize maintaining a state of clam – Products with a Purpose.
• Employment training for adults challenged by behavioral regulation using research-supported strategies; tools and strategies to maintain a state of clam.
• Onsite manufacturing company to access untapped talent – learning products designed and made by individuals with disabilities.
Rather than being proud, gratitude settles in my whole body. Honestly, I realize that statement seems a bit Pollyanna-ish, but I truly still have to pinch myself knowing that I’ve achieved a level to make a difference in others’ lives. There is nothing greater to do than serve others.
My mother and Laurie inspire me daily. I cannot rewrite Laurie’s history, but I can help script the future of others.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
Resilience is critical to surviving the first 5 years of your business. Lighthouse Learning Resources began in 2011 as a brick and mortar, closed in 2013 due to family circumstances, and I returned to full-time employment.
From 2013 – 2018 I continued to engage in consulting, staff training, being present through social media, presenting at local, state, and national conferences, providing a monthly support group, and publishing information on our website, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
During the years 2013 – 2018, I worked at Monarch School, an international private school for individuals with neurological challenges. While at Monarch, I found a tribe, a beautiful tribe whose educational philosophy mirrored mine. I was able to find the validation I needed that my business concept was spot-on.
Continuing to build LLR while working for full-time for Monarch was difficult at times. However, I continued to establish clients from not just Houston, Texas, but out of state as well. LLR is known for being a company that relates to their client’s needs and life’s story. We strive to build positive relationships with the campus staff we team up with on behalf of a child. We connect with families through understanding, being honest, caring, and teaching families how to navigate on their own as we gradually turnover the guidance to the family. Every Consultant has been directly affected by a family member who has a specialized need. We become a strong and caring team for the families we serve.
Keeping my dream and mission in mind sustained me through challenging times; I had no choice but to be resilient.
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
Changing my life’s path in 2007 was frightening. I had to take a huge risk; resigning mid-year at the high school where my children attended, being ostracized by colleagues, loss of building my retirement fund, and navigating a business on my own. I have made many mistakes.
I knew many families were in need and that educators needed help as well. In the beginning I met quite a bit of opposition from campus staff, even returning to my former home campus to attend meetings. I knew I had to surf along in meetings being mindful to not create waves of descension by being kindly firm and expressing a great deal of gratitude to the staff. My reputation grew from being a traitor to being a valued Educational Consultant. I had to drop my title of “Advocate” to become a consultant to build trust with staff; all of LLR’s consultants have at least 2 degrees in education. We are pro-public education; teachers are in need of honest and reliable support. Public education is America’s greatest resource and is truly facing a crisis.
Currently, LLR is exceptionally busy; we’ve increased our staff to 3 and added a bookkeeper to become more efficient. COVID’s interruption created finding more creative ways to keep paddling through the storm. Each time I panic, I think of my mom, sister, educators, and the many families in need. They are the force behind pivoting often as I navigate very choppy waters without a compass.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.LHlearningresource.com www.senso-science.com
- Instagram: robin.rettie
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lighthouselearningTX
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-rettie-08905953/
Image Credits
The images used on my website are created by a young adult who has experienced mental health needs. I own them, LLR will only hire individuals who understand the purpose of our business. I would like to name her, but out of respect to her personal challenges, I cannot name her. She is exceptional.