We were lucky to catch up with Rob Cook recently and have shared our conversation below.
Rob, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Was there a moment in your career that meaningfully altered your trajectory? If so, we’d love to hear the backstory.
The most defining moment of my professional career happened in a personal moment. It was a realization the healthy self-care practices I put into place worked.
I had spent years reading and searching for the meaning of my life. Who Am I, and what’s my purpose? I’d often asked myself.
One day while contemplating, I glanced at my arm and saw the words Faith, Hope, and Loyalty. I laughed immediately. Because loyalty isn’t the word quoted in the bible where the tattoo idea originated, the scripture says Love and continues to state that of the three mentioned; Love is the most powerful. Living thinking Love didn’t exist was my most significant misunderstanding, and a close second was not knowing how the mind worked. The tears started to flow, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I could now see love and was not experiencing life anymore through my suffering.
The feelings were intense, like the answers I’d been searching for to heal my mind and heart my whole life. It was a defining moment because I could see I was created with the same Love that created the entire universe. I could see my purpose is just to be myself, which will bring a loving disruption to others on their beautiful life journey. I could see the effects of my healthy self-care practices. Lastly, I saw what I’d been searching for my whole life. Ironically I’d been searching for it externally, so I never saw it. Someone once said, “A man can stay locked in a room forever if it never occurs for him to pull the door open rather than push.” For the first time in my life, that day, it finally occurred to me to always look inward.
Everything about my work changed. It’s like a better me, made a better speaker and coach.
Rob, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I was a veteran with over 20 years of military experience. After healing my mind and heart, Life After Trauma emerged as a vibrant, inspiring, and transformative message of innate well-being communicated through speaking, coaching, and online programs.
I aim to bring a fresh perspective to health. Drawing upon my experience and military background, I unveil the secrets of thriving in high-pressure environments, offering practical strategies to overcome our most demanding challenges.
My flagship program, “From Battlefield to Breakthrough,” has an unwavering commitment to harmonize spiritual, mental, and physical health, foster resilience, and catalyze profound, impactful change.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
The most effective strategy has been a combination of three things. First, is deep listening. Secondly is providing a safe space for clients to work through issues without feeling on guard, and lastly, I think would be ensuring my work happens in a non-judgmental way. The strategy can be summed up easily by saying listening judgment-free to my clients in a safe space has proven to be the best strategy for growth.
Any advice for managing a team?
My most significant advice would be to ensure your team feels aligned with your organization’s mission and purpose. The second would be to provide a culture of healthy self-care practices to prevent burnout and fatigue and promote personal and professional well-being to increase your operational strength. Lastly, it would equip leadership with the skills to inspire, guide, and cultivate a culture that ignites resilience even in challenging circumstances.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://imrobcook.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imrobcook/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/battlefield2breakthrough/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@imrobcook
Image Credits
Jeanne Verger & Dave Craze