Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Quince Reese. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Quince, thanks for joining us today. Let’s talk about social media – do you manage your own or do you have someone or a company that handles it for you? Why did you make the choice you did?
I made the choice, although a difficult one, to be a one woman band. I run everything on my own. From social media to finances, I do it all. It’s a heavier load to bare, but I keep 100% of my artistic freedom. I’m not keen on following statistics or what’s trending for the sake of growth, but instead strive to be as authentic as I can. Mistakes, struggles, and successes are all shared and are all a part of the process. In doing this, I believe that my audience can have a realistic view into what all goes into running a business. From the ups to the downs, we take a journey together and learn together. If you’re looking for an easy road ahead, doing it alone is not the path for you.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I am the daughter of my ancestors. Farmers for many generations, in one way or another. I fought it at first, trying my hardest at helping the elderly in assisted living communities and in home health care, but I wasn’t happy with my life. I needed to be with nature. I still wanted to help those that struggle, but in a more environmentally conscious way. I grew up in a home that had very little and made the most of what we had. To know warmth when it’s cold, to feed those that are hungry, and teach those that are willing to learn is what I deeply wanted to give others.
Photography and art has been the breadwinners of our small farm, but headway is being made for Gluten-Free baked goods, blankets, and fresh fruits. We’re hoping to expand soon to have a few chickens as well.
Our goal is to provide a safe, family friendly, environment to learn how to live with nature instead of against it. Those that struggle finding their next meal are fed and taught ways to feed themselves when times are tough. We want people to know that they are never alone in their hardships.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
Kindness and generosity can get you a long ways. Being genuinely connected to your audience and getting to know them on an individual level is an intimate relationship. I’ve built a community of friendship, support, and care for one another. When a community cares, miracles can happen.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
The growing season of 2023 has been the four horseman of the apocalypse on our property. From a hailstorm that wiped out all of our cherries, to the Rose Chafer pests that demolished a quarter acre of wildflowers that fed the bees. An ant invasion that rivaled Napoleon ensued amongst the chaos. Then there was the drought that took the rest of the crops. The only thing left at the end of the season was our potatoes. Inside the homestead, the pellet stove stopped working, and in time was repaired. It seemed as if we were at impossible odds. Yet, we never gave up. Take everything one task at a time and you’ll make it to the other side.
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Image Credits
Quince Rose at ShutterbugGardens LLC