We recently connected with Philip Kish and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Philip thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
In my first year of practice I went to a continuing Ed class in Idaho. We were all introducing ourselves and I was the last person to go. I was so intimidated, I was the only acupuncturist. Everyone else there had a strong background in allopathic medicine. I shakily introduced myself as ‘Just an acupuncturist from Rochester Minnesota. The instructor had me repeat this several times before calling me in front of the class to do so again. “Finally, after seeing me completely unravelling before everyones eyes he asked why was I limiting myself. He said You are the Acupuncturist that travelled across the country to expand your knowledge so you can better serve your clients. That is something to be proud of.”
Later on in the weekend I saw someone have a healing experience in front of me. I spoke up – That is unbelievable, I can’t believe that outcome. Dr. John called me out again. “Why would you chose negative words to talk about something that is amazing and miraculous?”
The moral of this defining moment in my life was becoming aware of how we talk about ourselves and our perspective on things occurring around us. It’s important to be aware of self talk, self perception, and maintain a positive attitude. Words can be weapons, but they can also help foster growth and healing.
Often times in clinic I get clients that come to me completely defeated. A common phrase is “I am broken”. My response is you aren’t broken, but there is room for improvement, which is good. Be 1% better everyday!
Philip, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I believe that I touched on this last time around. I personally was lost in the traditional western hospital system at a young age suffering with chronic pain. I bounced around from provider to provider, medication to medication, and surgery after surgery. My early 20’s were a blur riddled with pain and frustration. I sought alternative care at the age of 26 and it changed the trajectory of my life. I was able to heal through a combination of Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Meditation, and dietary changes. It became my goal to open a clinic that offered all of these modalities under one roof. After a masters and a Doctorate we opened Optimal Movement!
Putting training and knowledge aside, what else do you think really matters in terms of succeeding in your field?
I think that many practitioners or professionals become stagnant in their careers. What separates a good practitioner from a great practitioner is the desire to continue to learn so that you can continue to grow. This growth mindset allows you to stay up to date on the latest research and better serve your clients. As a practitioner I try to learn in the three categories that I think are important to address with each client, those are nutritional (chemical), Mental (spiritual) and Physical. If one of those is off, the whole is off. :)
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
When I first started out in practice I was struggling a lot as a leader. I read so many books on leadership topics. I was so frustrated with my employees. However, I read a book called Extreme Ownership by Jock Willink that changed my thought process. I was an ineffective leader and was allowing things to occur that I didn’t like, but I was the weakest link, because I was a poor leader and wasn’t taking ownership for my lack of leadership and discipline.
“Implementing Extreme Ownership requires checking your ego and operating at a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership, and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful team.”
Contact Info:
- Website: www.optimal-movement.com
- Instagram: @optimalmovementmn
- Facebook: @movepainfreemn
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philip-kish-176144113/