Pervis, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Is there a heartwarming story from your career that you look back on?
I have a program that I co-founded called Alchemic Solutions. It’s a program that teaches young men of color how to develop and cultivate emotional intelligence (EQ). I was conducting a session at Brooklyn College and I shared a personal story of having depression and anxiety so severe that my hair fell out.. I showed a picture of me at a famous baby shower and how although I looked happy and smiling in the pic, the back of my head was bald and I was suffering. The session went on as usual and I did a couple more and the program ended. Fast forward to a year later, I’m in Barnes and Nobles reading magazines. Out the corner of my eye I see a tall big guy staring at me and then he’s coming closer to me. I’m trying to be cool, but I was little nervous as he was approaching. The big guy hugs me and says “Mr. Pervis I took your program and I just want to thank you for the work you do. Because of you I feel free and now I’m in therapy. You gave me permission to just be…” Now mind you I’m still in his embrace :). Anyhow, I told him I was proud of him and it was my pleasure to help him. That moment really touched me and forever let me know that I’m on the right path.
Pervis, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Well I’ve been a life coach ( a real one) for over ten years. I also have a masters in clinical psychology degree from Columbia University. I help people from all walks of life, through group or one on one sessions, flourish and thrive. I help people to realize their potential and to manifest the life they desire as well as develop tools to successfully navigate through life. I specialize in working with men as a mental health advocate. I’m co-founder of Alchemic Solutions, a program that teaches young men of color how to develop and cultivate emotional intelligence. I’m author of Surthrival Mode and Heal Forward, both books are about black mens mental health and wellness. I believe what sets me apart from others in my space is my years of receipts. My clients from 10 years ago are thriving. My clients from six months ago are thriving and are in a better position than when they came to me. I believe God created me specifically for this. I have numerous testimonials and success rates with students and adults. I’m most proud that not only are my clients succeeding and thriving, but also that men are in therapy because they read my book. or follow me on IG or heard me speak.. I”m so proud that men are giving themselves permission to get on their healing journey and wholeness. The biggest thing I want folks to know is that I’m the real deal and that you get results with me, period. I’m not fluff or bells and whistles, however, I’m anointed to do what I do.
Other than training/knowledge, what do you think is most helpful for succeeding in your field?
I believe it’s super important to be resilient, introspective, transparent and vulnerable. Moreover, I believe you have to be called to this profession. It’s so much more than what one realizes. We as coaches and mental health professionals actually walk people through a process and get in the mud with them and it’s not sexy. I have a motto: never require of someone that you aren’t willing to do yourself. Everything I develop with my clients, I’ve done, am doing and/or would do. So I’m not better than my client, I’m on the same journey; I just may have more tools in my tool box.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
I believe what has helped build my reputation is my consistency in my messaging and presence both in person and online. Moreover, I feel that the results from my work whether its from a nonprofit, school, corporate etc. have been very positive and the word of mouth has been such a blessing to me. So I encourage people who endeavor to do what I do or anything that is a dream is to be consistence. There are so many things that are vying for our attention. I see folks changing and switching up daily with the hopes of going viral and popularity. But I believe its those that remain consistent see the real fruit and rewards in life.
I want to add that I’ve always been transparent and vulnerable about my life and experiences and never viewed them as a weakness but more so a lesson and stepping stone
Contact information:
- Website:
- Instagram: @pervistaylor
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PervisTaylor3 - LinkedIn: https://www. iii-m-a-3b86309/