We were lucky to catch up with Pedro De Leon recently and have shared our conversation below.
Pedro , appreciate you joining us today. How did you learn to do what you do? Knowing what you know now, what could you have done to speed up your learning process? What skills do you think were most essential? What obstacles stood in the way of learning more?
I am self taught for the most part, I’ve sketched all my life (even when I wasn’t supposed to). Eventually in college I took a starter course pertaining to the Adobe Suite. I was able to complete demos on both photoshop and Illustrator. After that, anytime I needed help learning how to use the software, I just googled the answer or process to get over any obstacle while working on graphics. I believe research is the most essential part when it comes to learning a new skill. The answer is literally right at your finger tips, so don’t be scared to try something new and when you get ‘stuck’; GOOGLE IT. Education is also essential, if you have access to a college level education, take it every time. Take a starter course at your community college or university then see where it goes from there. Universities/colleges can also give you access to softwares that cost a lot of money, one of my main obstacles early on was the lack of access to the tools and softwares necessary for graphic design. MAKE THE TIME. That is what I would do differently in order to speed up the learning process. Learning a new skill in my opinion is way more valuable than any wage paying you by the hour.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Pedro but whenever I create a work of art or fulfill a service for a client, I refer to myself as The Abyss Collection (TAC). I started theabysscollection.com many many years ago and recently gained traction in views, subscribers, and traffic amongst our channels via YouTube, Tiktok, and our website. Under TAC we create video content such as vaporizer reviews/skits, food reviews, and even host live streams. We are currently seeking content creators so if you’re interested email me: phrac@theabysscollection.com to pitch me your idea.
We offer graphic design services like logos, banners, flyers, t-shirt designs and more! We’ve worked with local businesses, large businesses, and even TV networks! We can help promote your content while simultaneously promoting your image through custom graphics, icons, and logos.
My main objective is to create, to bring an original idea from the mind to the open world and further promote the freedom of art, gaming, and culture.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
Our biggest audience by far is YouTube which was built organically. Our content is solid informative content filling a small niche/gap in the sea of videos on YouTube. My main advice would be to research and build a solid SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. Look for problems that haven’t been solved yet and create a video based on that topic, backing it with solid SEO strategy will help you reach the right viewers.
Alright – so here’s a fun one. What do you think about NFTs?
NFTS still have a lot of potential, I’ve created a couple NFTS but the digital infrastructure isn’t quite there yet to live solely off NFTS. Eventually, I believe we will have more traffic within the metaverse; giving more use to NFTS.
Contact Info:
- Website: theabysscollection.com
- Instagram: @theabysscollection
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peterkills?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedro-de-leon-25074bb5
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@theabysscollection?si=ONXF6C1GwEKn0lU3
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