Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Paula Keehfus. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Paula, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to hear the backstory behind a risk you’ve taken – whether big or small, walk us through what it was like and how it ultimately turned out.
I would say I am an average risk taker, not too little, not too much. Twenty-two years ago, I came to the realization that working in retail for the rest of my life was not going to bring great joy or fulfillment to my life. From a rather young age, a painful health challenge inspired me to seek alternative healing for myself as I approached my third decade of life. As I began to find relief from those modalities, I took a passionate interest studying and training in them myself. In 2000, I opened a small online shop and began to not only offer crystal healing tools, but Reiki healing and training to clients both far and near. Alternative and energy healing was still finding its footing in the world, and I was amongst a very small percentage of people offering it. It was a risk for me to divert so sharply from the everyday job to work that was health/service-oriented, but it seemed necessary, even urgent at times, for me to listen to my intuition. Looking back, I honestly don’t know who I would be right now had I not found Reiki and started my own business. It feels as if there was truly was no other option for me than to just jump. Along the way, I have dealt with the challenges that one would expect with family and friends, with regards to this work. But for the most part the people I love have been wonderfully supportive every step of the way.
Paula, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
From 2010-1018, I worked in a local crystal shop offering intuitive readings and sales support. I left that job in order to work for myself full time, and it has been a wonderful, enlightening experience! I am in the fifth decade of my life, but feel as though I’m thirty years old. I look very forward to the next 50 years.
I offer Reiki healing treatments for humans and animals, as well as teaching it to those who are interested.
My formal training includes:
Dr. Of Metaphysics
Psychic Consultant
Spiritual Medium
Reiki Master Teacher/Energy Healer
Certified Life & Wellness Coach
Relationship Mediation Coach/Healer
Ordained Minister
NLP Certified
TASC Certified
Somatic Approaches To Healing Trauma Certified
How’d you build such a strong reputation within your market?
Do you think you’d choose a different profession or specialty if you were starting now?
I think I would have stayed in college and pursued a degree in philosophy and world religions. I simply did not have the maturity and foresight at the age of 19 to know exactly what to do with my particular mystical outlook on life.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
Paula K Keehfus