We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Noah Hernando. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Noah below.
Hi Noah, thanks for joining us today. We’d love to hear about a project that you’ve worked on that’s meant a lot to you.
The most meaningful project I have worked on so far would definitely be my debut EP, “Sonic Alchemy: Behind The Curtain.” This entire project took me over two years to fine-tune and fully understand and experience how to tackle all aspects of launching a solo EP.
I was just learning how to produce music back in 2018 when I began working on a specific song that felt completely different than anything else I had been producing at the time. This song would eventually be called ‘A Beautiful Confusion (aka The Funk).’
I had just graduated college from the University of North Texas and left my job as a baker/barista to pursue my career as a DJ, starting to find my way into larger markets and opportunities such as my RnB Basement Parties that were stirring up some talk. I decided to move out of Denton and begin living in Grapevine when the pandemic had begun. This is put a massive halt on all my DJ and event plans.
It was at this moment I turned my focus directly to producing a message of hope through my own music. I had been a DJ for 6 years at that point and had always loved playing other peoples’ music, but what did MY music, MY sound, sound like? I had, at that moment, all the time to experiment and harness my sound.
The first record I finished off the EP was ‘TOO LOUD’ which combined the elements of being “out of time” and tuning my keyboard to 432Hz for a more harmonized sound. The inspiration behind this record was after being in my apartment for months without really going out other than to get groceries, I realized how loud my surroundings were. From my neighbors, cars passing, my roommate, the media, etc – It was just too much at the time.
I had my introspective breakthrough – what are people feeling and thinking during the time we are all in our houses, consuming an abnormal amount of entertaining content to pass the time.
I moved from Grapevine back to my parents’ home in Corinth, TX as I did not have consistent income at the time to apply for an apartment. This began the recreation and introspection of what it was like to almost be a high school kid again. You know, wanting to do your own thing, yet your parents are kinda quirky and you don’t want to bother them or vice versa. Within the first couple of months, I produced ‘Finished The Maze’ after finding a fun sample off a record my good friend gave me after he had also just moved back in with his parents. To me, the sample flip sounds like an error message from a Windows computer that just restarts with a dwindling wood instrument sample. In real life, I felt like I was living the same day over and over again, as I am sure we all did during our time locked down.
At this time, I also had a romantic partner that had become a distraction from my focus on creating my own sound. One night after we had called it quits, I had totaled my car. Ironically, I drove a Ford Focus. I lost my focus in every sense of the term. From this incident, I produced ‘Questioning It,’ which embodies if I should even continue finding my sound. While producing ‘Walk Through The Rain,’ I was concussed from the accident, listening to drum samples when I got frustrated and went outside for a break. It started raining and I just stood there listening to the rain hit the leaves and run down the gutters of our house. I had my moment of clarity and finished the record shortly after realizing that if you force it, it won’t happen. You must take life in stride and ride the wave.
This is what led me to complete my EP. Fully understanding how life may through the curveballs at you (the funk) and you deciding whether to be frustrated with it or adapt to it, take it in stride, and learn from it. This EP is what I wanted to contribute to the collective consciousness that the Universe is on our side and rooting for us every day. It is up to us to decide who we are, what we desire, and how we will get there.
Essentially, this is a real part of my life that others may relate to because they might have been in similar situations given our circumstances the past two years. It isn’t glamorous. It isn’t always sunshine and flowers. But from darkness, there is beauty that overcomes and emerges.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I first started out as a dancer/glover by the alias ‘Spades’ which then I became an electronic DJ in high school where no one listened to electronic music. I even DJ’d my senior homecoming and boy, that was a wake-up call. When I got to UNT, I was able to find other DJs that were interested in electronic music, however, most of the parties out there were traditional house parties with hip-hop so I decided to become more hip-hop heavy. This led to me wanting to learn how to scratch and DJ on turntables, which then led to being in a DJ battle, which then led me to my first residency. That residency allowed me to meet other DJs and create a community, which led to being invited to travel with DJ groups such as DJcity and Beatsource, which then led to doing mix shows on Sirius XM and hosting my own parties with DJs from across the country.
Throughout this quick synopsis, there have been key moments that have defined my career such as the first DJ battle I ever entered at Fry St. Tavern when I was 19 and just starting to DJ on turntables. Although I did not win, I put myself out there to be noticed and in turn, led to the 6-year residency at Public House where I manage all the DJ bookings.
Another key moment comes from learning how to DJ on turntables. I went to my good friend DJ Does It All’s house one summer in 2016 with a bunch of other DJs from surrounding Texas colleges where we all took turns scratching and learning from each other. From these gatherings, Does It All built an event called TurnTable Reloaded. These major events allow all DJs of any skill level to come to hang out with others that are involved in the art and culture to learn and teach one another. We help build each other up, one session at a time. Iron sharpens iron. We aim to keep the DJ art and culture alive by passing it on to the curious and hungry DJs while keeping it light and close like a family. It has been a privilege to watch these events grow into what they are now, with major showcase performances from Buck Rodgers, DJ Ease, and an appearance from LilJuMadeTheBeat.
By networking and sharpening my skills with others in the craft, I have been able to meet many high-level DJs, artists, and producers that I have grown closer to within time. When you really stick with something and are passionate about it, you notice who is really here for the culture and art rather than the money and the acclaimed fame. Having a mentor is a big piece of advice I would tell anyone who wants to be more involved. Personally, I have had two throughout my DJ career so far. I would like to thank DJSC and DJ Dupree for their longevity of guidance and game in my life. By having a mentor, you are able to ask questions to someone who may have a bigger insight and experience than someone you might find on the internet just posting clips of information. Having those one on one conversations after a gig or at a lunch really helps you gain a perspective that you may not have thought you needed.
After I had been DJing in numerous different bars and clubs, I started my own party brand in 2018 called the #RNBBasementParty. I had gotten a bit burnt out from high-energy, bougie club energy and wanted to feel and provide something different. My #RNBBASEMENTPARTY is a realm for those who do not wish to partake in the traditional nightlife, but rather enjoy stepping into a safe space to find new friends, discover new artists, and sing your heart out to some of your favorite R&B. It allows others to heal, and maybe start a new perspective of what they truly want out of life. This is probably my most proud accomplishment as a DJ, simply because after I had started throwing these, numerous amounts of RnB parties sprung up which spread the love and nostalgia we all were looking for. I was just happy people were wanting to find something else other than just the same club cycle every weekend – they wanted to feel something real.
As of recent, I am proud to call myself a music producer. Becoming a music producer came to fruition when I tapped back into the reason I became a DJ – I wanted to share the music I liked with others. But how could I share the music I liked, when I did not even know what my own sound was. For the past two years, I had been focused on finding my sound by creating an EP, Sonic Alchemy. It consists of moments of my life that I felt I could tell a story with. From DJing for now nearly 8 years now, it seems some story elements and relativity have been lost in mainstream music. The music is just not hitting the same as it once was. Therefore, I wanted to produce it myself. I wanted to share a piece of my story sonically. And I achieved that. What better story to tell than the one you are living right now? You never know who many relate to it. I had the revelation just a day before my EP went live on all streaming platforms, ironically before Spotify went down – Be who you needed when you were younger. Tell the story that you may have needed to hear when you were in need of the answers. Everything has a ripple effect.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with my mission – to spread Awareness, Love, and Consciousness. Awareness comes from keeping it real, or acknowledging what needs changing and acting upon that change. Love comes in multiple forms, whether it be friendship, romantic, family, or self-love. It is important to come from a space of love; as you are, you will receive. Consciousness comes from acknowledging we do not have all the control in our life, there is a greater force at play all the time. You must understand that if one thing happens in place of another, there is a larger picture at play. I like using the reference of being in a funk; things may not be going your way, but you may not be on your highest potential path. So step into awareness, reflect from a space of love, and allow the change to come into your life. We can never fully understand and that is why life is a beautiful confusion when you let go.
: Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
“Every creative act inspires every other creative act.” – Alex Grey
Simply inspire and create change. I want to let everyone know that they can create their own reality. They can live their dream. They just really have to be willing to go through every emotion, every phase, to get to their goal. Most people won’t.
But I am telling you, you got it. Believe in yourself. Defy the odds.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on NFTs. (Note: this is for education/entertainment purposes only, readers should not construe this as advice)
Personally, I like to have physical assets.
You know, like I just restored my dad’s first car he ever paid off while he was working in corporate America. That is real. I can physically enjoy driving this classic car that he put in time with, and now I have put time and effort into it.
Or like, a freshly baked, handmade from scratch apple caramel pie. I know you can smell and taste what I am talking about – because that’s real. You’ve experienced that. Time and energy has been put into this new creation that you can experience with all of your senses
Why I would invest an absurd amount of money into a digital receipt of a monkey picture? That I can look at on my screen. But hey, to each their own.
I understand am not that knowledgeable on the subject, but I have seen other artists take advantage of using them by selling music or limited animated pictures. So it does have its potential benefits. I am willing to learn about them in time though.
I see a brighter future for Web3 from what Joe Kay has done with Soulection.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://spadus.bandcamp.com/
- Instagram: instagram.com/djspadus
- Facebook: facebook.com/djspadus
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noah-hernando-630b88144/
- Twitter: twitter.com/djspadus
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQ9ma17qxeVtwv6Zp_vXuQ
Image Credits
1-3: Eye-Catching Photography 4: Bryan Gonzalez 5-7: Dupree Images