Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Nicole Hector. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Nicole, thanks for joining us today. Almost all entrepreneurs have had to decide whether to start now or later? There are always pros and cons for waiting and so we’d love to hear what you think about your decision in retrospect. If you could go back in time, would you have started your business sooner, later or at the exact time you started?
I would love to have started my business sooner in life, I think sometimes that I might be further along or more successful than I am now. I opened my 1 room suite back in 2018, on the cusp of a major shift for my family. My husband had just separated from the military, my youngest child had just started school, and we had just purchased our first home. I felt that it was the perfect time for me to finally do something for me, something I truly loved, that was just for and about me. However, I do wonder what life would have been like if I had made the decision sooner in life. It for sure would have been different, with my husband in the military stability wasn’t something I would have been able to offer my clients. That might have made it difficult to build, but then maybe it would have afforded me the opportunity to travel more, maybe it would have forced me to think outside the box and offer virtual services sooner, maybe it would have all worked out. Those thoughts are what kept me from trying though, I was so afraid of all the reasons it wouldn’t work. Ultimately, I’m glad that things worked out the way they did. I started my business in a place that I call home, a place where I had support from friends and family, a place I feel comfortable in. I’m truly grateful for the way life worked out. Although my fears are what held me back, the inevitable leap was free (mostly) from fear and doubt. I stepped into my role as business owner with confidence and self awareness. So, sometimes I play the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” game but in the end, I’m happy with the decisions I made and I wouldn’t change it even if I could.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I’m Nicole, Licensed Esthetician and aspiring Wellness Coach. What I do is help busy women implement intentional self care practices to reduce their stress, achieve balance, and boost their radiance through personalized skincare treatments and wellness plans. Esthetics was not the industry I initially intended to embark upon. I joined the beauty industry as an avid makeup enthusiast, I evolved into a makeup artist via requests from others to do their makeup for events and photos. In my quest to make it a feasible career, I sought out additional education, that led me to Esthetics school where I fell in love with skincare. After some time in the field I felt that my clients needed more than just hydrating creams and extractions. My clientele needs much more than the occasional facial massage, they seek me out to help them with stress relief and relaxation techniques, as well as truly transformative skin treatments. Initially I wasn’t sure that what I wanted to offer was something that people even wanted. The past 5 years have shown me that not only do people want what I offer, they really do need it. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with some amazing people and share my gifts with them in order to enhance their quality of life. I honestly believe that skincare is an act of self-care the improves one’s overall well-being. I wake up excited each day to go to work and do what I love and I’m thankful for those that continue to choose me.
How do you keep in touch with clients and foster brand loyalty?
Although I am an Esthetician by title my brand pillars are skincare, self care and wellness. My clients appreciate the fact that I am interested in more than just the look of their skin. I keep them apprised of trends, and helpful information via emails sent weekly, social media posts, and blog posts. One of the things that I think helps to foster connection and loyalty to my brand is the fact that I’m transparent and I share my personal self care and wellness journey with them. I don’t make it seem like it’s something magical or pretend I’m perfect. I’m human just like them, and I think they appreciate my honesty and openness.
Can you talk to us about how your funded your business?
The idea that you have to wait until you’re ready to start is the reason why so many people never actually start. I’m glad that I decided to just go for it even when I didn’t have all the capital I thought I needed. I accepted help from friends and family and used what little I had saved to make sure I had the bare minimum of necessities paid for. Every dime I received in the first year went right back into the business to keep it running. I needed to make sure that I could sustain and afford all the products, supplies, fees, taxes etc. It may not be this way for everyone starting out, this is just my story. I didn’t know where to turn for assistance or guidance about the finances of my business, I learned along the way. Had I gotten that guidance, I may have been one of those people to keep waiting and saving for the perfect moment. It definitely wasn’t an ideal start up situation but I’ve survived 5 years, so I’m doing something right.
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