Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Nick Kayea. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Nick, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. What’s been the most meaningful project you’ve worked on?
Recently I released a music video/ short film entitled “This is The Land” (Wake Up). This piece of artwork has a special place in my heart. Growing up my mom used to tell me that in this country, I already had two strikes against me. 1. I’m black, and 2. I’m a male.
As a young teenager who grew up in a pretty healthy environment (good parents, education, & kept my nose clean) I couldn’t understand the magnitude of the words that she spoke to me. Or even when my father would tell me to never argue with the police. “I’d rather you make it home safe.” As a young man who had pure goodness towards people, it just didn’t make sense to why the world, specifically our country would have so much hate towards a certain group of people. Then the murder of Trayvon Martin happened. This spoke to me a lot because he was my age, and he was prejudged. Till this day there are people who don’t have an ounce of pity for him, or for any other people of color who have been persecuted, attacked, threatened, and or killed simply because they were different.
As I continued to grow, the stories just continued, and so my heart grew heavy. In 2020 Ahmaud Arbery was killed while going for a run, coincidentally during that time, I had started exercising more. His story weighed on my heart heavy because he easily could have been me.
There are people who still downplay the civil rights era, slavery, Jim crow laws, and just the ill treatment of people of color. This is not good. It is not good at all. As a human race we need to do better. This is why I wrote the record “This Is The Land” aka “Wake Up”. It is extremely imperative that we as a people, as a country, as a human race, that we learn to value human life. That we treat others kindly and with respect. That we learn to live with one another leading with peace and love.
My hope and prayer is that more progressive conversations are had because of my artwork, and that hearts are changed.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I was born and raised in the metro Atlanta area. My family is from Liberia West Africa (fun fact). I started taking guitar lessons around the age of 6 or 7. By the age of 11 I was writing my own songs. They were basic, but it was a start. I picked up the trumpet in Middle School, and also participated in our school musical “High School Musical”. That was a very fun experience which honestly planted a seed in me. In high school I was blessed with the opportunity to study under the one and only Craig Johnson. Our choir was AMAZING! Mr. Johnson taught me so much, I thoroughly enjoyed every second in his classroom. This is where my artistry went to another level. If you’re some one who likes my harmonies, you should probably thank Mr. Johnson.
After graduating from Shiloh High School, I attended and graduated from the University of West Georgia with a degree in Mass Communications and a concentration in Film & Video Production. This is where everything changed for me. Thanks to my buddy Baroque I ended up doing some background work on a few of movies during the summer of 2014. Goosebumps, The Duff, and Bessie. That summer was amazing, on all three sets I made memorable memories and I got the opportunity to be around the principle actors.
This changed my life. About a year later I ended up changing my major to Film and Video Production. I began to learn how to write screenplays, tell stories with cinematography and editing, how to put together a production, etc. I wrote, produced, directed and performed two Musicals while I attended West Ga . Both events were special because individuals were able to get spiritually fed. We had people who gave their lives to Christ, people who received emotional healing. It was truly humbling seeing God work through my art. I also did a pilot episode for a series called Great Day To Be Saved, which I wrote directed, filmed, and edited.
Post College is where the fun really begins. I have had the opportunity to be the sound supervisor for two short films with Jaido Studios. Started my production company Kayea Kreative, directed short films, music videos, and other projects. I am also represented by Houghton Talent for acting and modeling. This past year I aired on the season finale of the hit show ATLANTA staring Donald Glover, Brian Tyree Henry, and Zazie Beetz.
All of these experiences have taught me one valuable thing. It does not matter if you’re talented. Nobody really cares. This is why it is my mission to be able to Kreate a space for the talented and the gifted. For those who have a story to tell. The first step in this quest is the after school program for for kids that I am hosting at Brookhaven Innovation Academy. The goal is to help kids to tap into their creative gifts, show them what they are capable up. Mold them into extraordinary human beings and artists. Right now we are focused on singing, song creation, acting, and film. I recently partnered with the Apex Museum on something big. A new show that’s going to spread enlightenment, entertainment, and help other artist get on the map.
All of this to say, that the future for me is bright. My goal is to build a safe community for Kreatives. For others like myself who know that they were created to Kreate. Who knows that their life is without meaning if they’re not free to do what the creator made them to do. The key word is safe. So many people end up compromising who they are just so they can get a check. Just so they can book a part. That is not right. It is not right at all. Like I stated before this is a human issue. The world has become so corrupt so vile, and it needs cleansing. A wise man once told me He who controls the media controls the mind. I believe with all of my heart that we can make a change, we just need a place.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
This is a lesson that I am in the midst of overcoming right now. Here it is. “Nobody wants to help you.” Growing up I struggled with asking people outside of my immediate family for help. I just didn’t do it. I felt as if people would not want to help me. I felt insignificant. This feeling of insignificance has really held me back. I can think of times where I should have asked for help from my peers but I didn’t because I had already convinced myself that they would have said no. In that way I can say that I have blocked many blessings. Not on purpose but subconsciously. The scriptures says, “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the doors shall be open to you… For everyone who asks, receives; and everyone who seeks, finds; and everyone who knocks the door will be opened.” (Luke 11: 9-13). What happens to the one who doesn’t ask? What happens to the one who doesn’t knock? As the saying goes… “closed mouths don’t get fed.” I am learning to open up my mouth. To be confident in what I have to offer, but more importantly; confident in the one who directs my path. I am also learning to bet on myself. I’m a dope guy and I need to walk in what the Lord has put before me.
On the other hand I have to speak on why I have this issue. There have been times in where I did trust individuals to help me with my projects, and they fell through. Or they didn’t treat it with the proper care it deserved. Hear me clearly. It is important to guard your work. To really vet the people that you share your ideas with. Some friends aren’t cut out to help you with your purpose. Some people are just that… friends. Keep people where they belong. If you want help on your creative projects, go find people who want to do what you do. Go find other youse. Those will be the people who will give you what you need to truly build what God has shown you.
This is the Land is a perfect example of me overcoming my fears, and finding people of my tribe. So if you have not seen This Is The Land (Wake Up) ft. Kevin Cooks. I would highly advise it. It is a beautiful piece of art, and it makes you think. Viewer Discretion is Advised.
Is there something you think non-creatives will struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can provide some insight – you never know who might benefit from the enlightenment.
One thing that I would love for non- creatives to understand is that it isn’t that simple. Working a job just to make money is not fulfilling. As a creative personally I feel incomplete when I’m not making music, or writing, or filming, or teaching, etc. Life literally feels wrong. We were created to create. For me it is a responsibility to do what I do. Why? Because this is my purpose on earth. Again, he who controls the media controls the mind. I need to make content that betters the human race. Content that shows and promotes LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, AND SELF CONTROL. I don’t have a choice. I need to have content out there that our children can watch and be educated and pushed towards the right direction. That’s not a choice. As a world we are suffering. Spiritually we’re suffering. We should be so much more advanced when it comes to how we treat people. You would think that afters thousands of generations we would have learned to get a long. He who controls the media controls the mind. I have no choice.
So for the non-creatives out there, or the individuals who think that we are wasting our time, or in search of vanity. I would like to propose to you to think of the actual power that media holds. Now think about all the good that can be done if it was used correctly. Now think of all of creatives that you know of who are good people and have good things to say but struggling to either make ends meet or get their art off the ground, or even both. There is a burden that is given to the creative that you don’t have. Creativity doesn’t even stop with the arts. You have creatives who are architecture, scientists, teachers, etc. Everybody is searching for their purpose here on earth. Unfortunately the ones who are really trying to make a difference have to work just a little bit harder.
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