Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Nick Heyward. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Nick, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. So, naming is such a challenge. How did you come up with the name of your brand?
Coming up with the name for the church was not an easy task. I enjoyed running, and I really had time to clear my mind and hear from God while I was out clocking miles. One Sunday morning I was jogging and meditating about God’s goodness. I reflected on my career in hospitality and I knew I wanted the church to be a place that was welcoming to all people….despite what they may have gone through. I understood that my role as Pastor would primarily be to introduce the congregants to Christ through bible based teaching and displaying His love for all. In that very moment Ephesians 2:19-20 fell into my spirit. I recalled the verses immediately and loved the thought that the verses conveyed. My heart was overwhelmed, and then Cornerstone Fellowship came to my mind. I pondered the thought more and grasped that Cornerstone Fellowship would be a hospital to those that are hurting, and not a monument to the saints. On that day, Cornerstone Fellowship had a name and a foundational scripture.
Nick, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I was born and raised in Early Branch, South Carolina. I am a graduate of The University of South Carolina. I always enjoyed student government and helping others. I believe that all things we do in life come together and ultimately prepare us for the next step. Professionally I had a twenty year career in Hotel Management that led me to my role and Director of Membership at the Refreshing Church. Prior to this I never imagined that I would be employed by a church. I learned so much that I took for granted about both the managerial and spiritual aspects of working at the church. While employed at TRC I accepted my call for the ministry and became an Associate Minister. In my heart I decided that I did not want to do anything more, I was content serving in the capacity of Associate Minister. As time passed, I studied more and began to understand that there was a greater assignment for me. When I turned forty, prior to the pandemic, I had a party to celebrate. During the party I shared with my guests that this party was major for me because it brought people of many diverse groups together to celebrate. While talking with my guests I heard The Holy Spirit tell me that I was going to write a book and start a ministry called Prophesied Legacy Ministries. I was amazed and very scared at the same time. I felt I wasn’t worthy, and that I lived a life with too many mistakes for anyone to follow what I would have to say. After many months I realized that my life, filled with shortcomings and adversity, was the perfect example that we all fall short but if we reach for Christ He will reach back to us. We must understand that we have our scars to show others that their wounds can heal.
I don’t sell a tangible product at Cornerstone Fellowship, but I offer compelling messages and examples from my life to point all that will listen back to Christ. There is no gimmick, no smoke and mirrors, just messages of hope filled with faith.
Any thoughts, advice, or strategies you can share for fostering brand loyalty?
Keeping in touch with the members and supporters of Cornerstone Fellowship is vital. I use social media and texting to keep in touch with the membership. I can remember the years of feeling like I was just a number and had no significant value to my manager or leader. I promised that if I was ever in a position of leadership I would never forget that feeling and I would ensure that I handled the position much better. While my congregation is smaller, it’s a bit easier to maintain personal connections. I strive to ensure that people are not just attendants of the church but stakeholders in the ministry. Everyone has a valuable contribution to the success of the ministry no matter how big or small. Occassionally I send handwritten notes to members to give them encouragement and show that I see them and their contributions are important and appreciated. I text them randomly just to check in and see how they are doing. These genuine efforts have won the congregation over and assisted with bringing hurting hearts back to Christ.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
My reputation in the market has been built on my transparency. I share the pitfalls that I have encountered personally along with my true feelings. You must show people that you are real and relatable. I speak from experience and share that my life has not been all ups…there have been many downs, but I refuse to stay down. God is moved into action by our faith, and through my faith I understand that my transparency and testimony confirm that truth of the words I speak.
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