We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Neha Bhatia a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Neha, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Do you think your parents have had a meaningful impact on you and your journey?
My parents are immigrants from India and worked really hard to give me the life I have today. In the Indian culture, the priority is often given to the male to get an education and have a career. Sadly, women, are not as encouraged. My parents believed in the exact opposite. Since I was a little girl my mom emphasized the importance of having a career. She encouraged me to get a college education and to pursue a career that makes me happy financially and emotionally. She directed me to be fearless and to go after what I wanted. My dad was a hard working engineer for Boeing. He always wanted me to thrive and be successful. Which is why he educated me with information that I would have never learned in a classroom. To name a few, he taught me how to write a resume, how to prepare for a job interview and how to execute a well written email. Most importantly, he taught me the importance of my self worth. Both my parents instilled confidence in me and made me believe that a girl can do anything in this world that a male can do (if not better). It is these values, and lessons that prompted me to pursue my career and open my own practice. My parents have impacted my life in so many ways and my business is just one of them. I am forever grateful to both of them.
Neha, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I’ve always been passionate about health and wellness. I have a bachelors degree in Kinesiology (with an emphasis in sports medicine). After completing my bachelors I went to grad school to get my doctorate in Chiropractic. While I was in grad school, I knew that I wanted to use my Kinesiology background along with Chiropractic. I knew the blend of both would be amazing for patients. When I opened Revive this is exactly what I did. I do soft tissue and muscle assessment along with aligning the spine. It’s my own blended technique that I created. I truly believe this technique is why my patients receive optimal results.
Revive is a cozy boutique style office. The style and feel of the office is very different than the typical doctors office. My dream was to create an environment where patients immediately feel relaxed when they walk in through the door and rejuvenated when they leave. I wanted Revive to be a place where patients come in to heal not just their body but their mind as well. That is exactly what this office is. Patients leave the office feeling “REVIVED”
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
As a chiropractor it is really important that you are a really good adjuster. I can say with confidence that my adjustments are excellent. My patients feel better and are getting great healing benefits because they are receiving thorough, detailed, clinically great adjustments. I also take the time with each and every one one of my patients. I get to know each of them and I make a treatment plan based on their personal needs. They receive tailored adjustments based on what their body needs. Being a good adjuster and taking time with my patients are definitely two factors that has made me reputable within my market.
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
Getting to know my community and creating genuine relationships and connections with other businesses and members of the community. I learned that when it comes to marketing, you have to put yourself out there but do it in a way that is natural to you. I was told to join certain networking groups, put up booths at farmer’s markets, etc. None of which flowed with my personality. I found other ways to connect with people and market my business that was genuine to who I am as a person and as a doctor. I found when I did these things that’s when clients started coming to me and when my business really started thriving.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.sandiegorevivechiropractic.com
- Instagram: revive_chiropractic_
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReviveChiropracticSanDiego
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neha-bhatia-dc-0976b6117/
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/revive-chiropractic-san-diego
Image Credits
Camila Badaro