We were lucky to catch up with Natasha Davis recently and have shared our conversation below.
Natasha, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Almost all entrepreneurs have had to decide whether to start now or later? There are always pros and cons for waiting and so we’d love to hear what you think about your decision in retrospect. If you could go back in time, would you have started your business sooner, later or at the exact time you started?
Honestly, I wouldn’t have started my business any sooner or any later. Journey Accepted Life Coaching was established in July of 2023 and it was at just the right time. There was a strong inclination that it was time to leave my job and step out on a journey of entrepeneurship. Prior to starting my business, I had been working in Property Management for 3.5 years. The industry was fun, always presented a new challenge, and sometimes stressful. I knew that I wasn’t going to be in the Property Management industry forever and wanted to do something more fulfilling and purposeful. I started a podcast called Sticky Note Inspo as a way to help others along their journeys of self improvement by sharing reminders, tips, and encouragements. It definitely helped with the need to do something more fulfilling but I wanted to do more. I started a Life Coach Certification Course in March of 2023 and completed in May of 2023 and a few months later started my business and left the job in Property Management. If I had started sooner, I believe that I would be further along in my coaching practice and learned some lessons about entrepeneurship sooner- however, I love where I am currently. If I had started later, I would be mad at myself for not starting sooner (lol.)
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I am a wife, mother, nature lover and someone who loves everything to do with personal growth and development. I truly enjoy helping people overcome challenges, develope better habits, and prioritize self-care. My self improvement journey started when I realized that I was experiencing burnout in the workplace which greatly affected my health and life at home. I had to take matters into my own hands in order to feel better and get back to the strong, resilient woman I knew myself as. During this time, a strong calling developed to help others on their journeys of self improvement. I love the fact that we are all gifted with different tools and sometimes we need help utilizing those tools to overcome challenges and that’s where I come in as a Life Coach, to help pull the greatness out of individuals and to overcome obstacles along the journey of self improvement. Everyone’s journey is different and unique and I want to help navigate that journey.
I have a Podcast called “Sticky Note Inspo” and the mission of the podcast is to share simple reminders to help people stay inspired and on track along their journey of self improvement. The name of the Podcast is inspired by sticky notes because they remind people to do things, keeps people on track, and I would use them to write positive reminders to myself during challenging times. The Podcast is available on Spotify, with new episodes coming soon.
My Life Coaching practice is called Journey Accepted Life Coaching. “Journey Accepted” means that you are willing to take full responsibility for your actions and attitude. You are accepting that overcoming challenges along your journey of self improvement can be intimidating, but you are committed to embracing the discomfort, learning from the experience, and growing stronger as a result. You can visit the website at: www.journeyacceptedlifecoaching.com. There is a free 12 week habit tracker available to print as well as insightful blogs that you should definitley check out!
Do you have any insights you can share related to maintaining high team morale?
My best advice for successfully managing a team and maintaining high morale is to be supportive leader. This means being a good listener, taking the time to understand where your team is coming from, and empathizing with their feelings and perspectives. It also means to provide guidance, and show encouragement. This will foster a positive environment and that you trust your team which will boost confidence and morale. I believe that as a leader, it doesn’t mean you know everything but that you are also willing to learn from others and their perspectives.
Have you ever had to pivot?
This is the beautiful thing about being an entrepeneur, the ability to pivot. To figure out what is working for you, what is not, and having the ability to be creative. With my coaching practice being less than a year old the first thing I had to pivot was my payment options as coach. For instance, I was offering a payment plan arrangement to make things more affordable. I found that this arrangement was not efficient as it was alot of work to keep up with who made payments and when. I also found the strategy was not helping with affordability as I hoped it would. I ended up pivoting to a monthly payment arragement which resulted in more consistency with payments and session attendance.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://journeyacceptedlifecoaching.com/
- Instagram: @journeyacceptedwith_natasha
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Journey-Accepted-Life-Coaching/100094232373410/
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-davis-0222671a5