We recently connected with Natalie Pipkin and have shared our conversation below.
Natalie, appreciate you joining us today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
Black Worldschoolers Mobile Bookstore’s mission is to provide access and awareness to Black stories as well as excitement and engagement around reading. In 2018 we made a collective decision to transition out of conventional schooling to home education. We immediately and excitedly began searching for resources that reflected the African Diaspora and building our home library. Our growing library full of Black stories primarily by Black authors across all genres increased our sons love for reading. In fact, they became “flashlight under the cover readers.” While they read out of obligation in school or kept up with popular titles their peers were reading, access to this new world of books shaped their identities as readers and made books enjoyable as well as positively impactful. Witnessing our sons love for reading grow daily, caused me to imagine the possibilities for other children. Our mobile bookstore makes Black stories accessible, and our method of delivery makes them irresistible.
Natalie, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I am home educator and Founder of Our Black Worldschoolers Mobile Bookstore. Our Black Worldschoolers journey started with a decision to homeschool and continues with my passion to help positively shape how Black children see themselves in the world and ultimately how we all see each other. What stories are Black children hearing about themselves? When my sons were enrolled in the conventional school system, the answer to that question was painful and impossible to ignore. The consistently incomplete stories they heard about Black people around the world told them that their history either began with slavery; or that they had no worthwhile history before it. The absence of Black characters in the prescribed literary canon told them that they didn’t exist devoid of trauma and suffering. This problem negatively impacts all children and community members. December 2020we launched Black Worldschoolers Mobile Bookstore online, sharing stories to uplift Black life, Black heritage and Black joy. Juneteenth 2022 we launched our bookstore on wheels. Black Worldschoolers Mobile bookstore exist to be a mirror for Black children and a window for ALL children. We are doing our part by curating beautiful stories that are too often left off of the selves and by providing an exciting method of delivery to engage youth, families and community members of all ages. We carry titles for youth and adults, as well as games. puzzles and merch. Our bus is available to book for events within a 350 mi, radius, and we also partner with small local businesses to offer pop ups un between bookings.
Can you talk to us about how your funded your business?
Shortly after launching the online bookstore in December 2020, I purchased the vehicle that would one day become the mobile bookstore. I didn’t quite know how or when it would come to be, I just knew that it was needed. A few months later I applied for my first grant and received it. The Jrue and Lauren Holiday Social Impact Fund accelerated the dream along with the support of our global community through our crowdfunding campaign. The remaining expenses were covered by savings and online/pop-up shop sales
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
I think what most people saw was an idea seemingly and quickly come into fruition. Most don’t know my catalytic converter got stolen just weeks before the bookstore launch date. They didn’t see my entire brake system fail while driving or the cost to replace it. Those business setbacks on top of personal and mental health challenges, made it near impossible to see the light at times. There were so many times I wondered if I would have to throw in the towel in order to feel ” be ok”. I know what sacrifices I made, and obstacles I overcame to bring this resource to my community and I’m so glad I didn’t bow out. Thankful to God, my family and the supporters of Black Worldschoolers.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.blackworldschoolers.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackworldschoolers_bookstore/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlkWrldBooks/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliepipkinbooks/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/blkwrldbooks
- Other: Tik Tok @blkwrldbooks