We recently connected with Michelle Smith and have shared our conversation below.
Michelle, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today It’s always helpful to hear about times when someone’s had to take a risk – how did they think through the decision, why did they take the risk, and what ended up happening. We’d love to hear about a risk you’ve taken.
Following your dreams often means taking a risk. Change is scary but can open the door to so many new opportunities!
In April of 2021, we traveled to Missouri from Colorado to purchase a Great Pyrenees Puppy to add to our farm and breeding program. We have raised Great Pyrenees for 18 years to protect our livestock and they are an awesome dual purpose dog. They make both a great family pet and guardian for cows, chickens, goats, etc.
Little did we know we would leave Missouri with a new puppy AND a new property!!!
A little background about us . I am a total foodie and love everything that surrounds it. As a cancer survivor in my early 20’s, I became interested in health and our journey began toward healthy eating. For the last 28 years we have raised grass fed beef, pastured pork and eggs, honey and raw goats milk. Our 8 grandkids have been raised on our products and we love being able to provide our community with nutritious, delicious, food options. Now, back to my story about purchasing a new puppy and property and what we are doing today!
As I mentioned, never in our wildest dreams did it enter our minds that after living in gorgeous Colorado for 43 years we would move to the Ozarks! Prior to this year, Colorado had been experiencing very dry conditions as it is high desert and we were at 6,300 feet. The annual rain fall averaged 12 inches a year where our farm was located. We became frustrated with the grazing conditions, the high cost of living, and the traffic when traveling to town. Since it was our first time to visit Missouri, we thought we would look around the state and just see what it was like. We were amazed at the beauty of the Ozarks, the crystal clear spring fed creeks and amazing pasture. We decided to look at a few farms for sale and absolutely fell in love with a 56 acre property that has a spring fed creek, 3 ponds, gorgeous hardwoods and wonderful pastures. The big house was a bonus! We decided to take a risk and make an offer. The couple selling the property had made a connection with us and in spite of having a $50,000 cash offer higher than ours, they wanted us to have it. To be honest, we were in shock. What? What did we just do? We joke that we are just like the tortoise in the “Tortoise and the Hare” story book. We don’t like change, or taking risks and we plod along slowly, but we get “er” done! We like sameness and comfort. The unknown can be scary!
Now that we purchased a property, what do we do? Fast forward and after much prayer, consideration and flopping back in forth about moving or staying we felt at peace to take the big leap and move. We have been here 22 months now, and we love the area and the people. They are kind, neighborly and friendly. We are working on building our farm business, replenishing livestock and infrastructure.
We are very hopeful that at some point some of our family joins us here. This absolutely was the BIGGEST risk we have ever taken in our 44 years of married life, but we know that it was the right decision for us. The biggest lesson I have learned in this is, if you have peace about it, go for it! You will be glad you did!
Michelle, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
At Critter Creek Farms, we raise grass fed beef, pasture raised, fertilized eggs, raw goats milk, and raise Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian puppies. We also sell Nubian, and Mini-Nubian goats.
All animals are fed organic grains as we are a true believe that you are what you eat.
We are working on fencing additional pasture for grazing, installing a 30X60 greenhouse to extend our growing season and offer vegetables for sale at the farm, and establishing a fruit orchard.
We welcome scheduled visitors as we love to share the joy of what we are doing.to.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
I truly believe that whatever your passion is, you will succeed at. Having a farm is hard work and it often doesn’t pay for itself. Livestock prices fluctuate, weather is unpredictable, and animals must be tended every day of the year. Having that burning passion about what you are doing carries you through the ups and downs. I also know from experience, that you must have steady, supplemental income to build a farm business. Building a business is expensive and in order to succeed you need enough financial resources to pay your bills and build a business at the same time.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
People buy you. If Sarah and Charlie are both selling identical eggs for the same price, who do you choose to buy from? People will buy from the person or business who they feel is kind, efficient, knowledgeable, responsive and follows through with what they say they will do.
I try to make a personal connection with every potential customer to make them feel valued and it works.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://www.crittercreekfarmsllc.com.
- Instagram: @crittercreekfarms
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/AKCPyrenees.Missouri/
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