We were lucky to catch up with Michelle Sherrill recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Michelle, thanks for joining us today. We’d love to hear about a time you helped a customer really get an amazing result through their work with you.
I recently have had two Actors ( clients/customers) return to our studio after having to leave due to struggling with issues. One of them was struggling with issues surrounding the pandemic, and the other was struggling with continuing issues of substance abuse. Both of them have recently returned, and both expressed to me, almost identical reasons for returning to our studio. They both said they had been trying for quite some time to return to our studio because it was their happy place! Being able to provide a safe and happy place for Actors to practice and learn, their craft is paramount to me as an acting coach and studio owner. More importantly, to have two human beings, feel that myself, and our studio is their happy place in the aftermath of such huge struggles, is so unbelievably rewarding and humbling!
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am a retired ballerina, and that was my first career. Then I got into the acting industry and I’m still a working actress. I began teaching for my acting coach, and then moved into opening my own studio during the pandemic. Eek! I was so fortunate to have so many actors, already studying with me, who were so supportive and helpful in making that transition. I think one of the things that differentiates me from other acting coaches, is my hands-on approach to my Actors careers. I am very involved with helping them navigate the industry ie. Helping them with their resumes, Headshots, and forming relationships in the industry. Additionally, I am very cognizant of helping them with audition technique and on set etiquette. Last year alone, we facilitated approximately 20 actors getting signed with agent representation. This was made possible through our annual showcase, biannual workshops that I provide to my actors for free and hands-on advice and referrals to agents. I train Actors with the same work ethic that I employ in my own acting career. So if an agent, casting Director, producer, or Director knows an actor studies with Sherrill Actors Studio they know that they’re technique is solid as a rock, and they are absolutely professional.
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
I have had the unbelievable good luck to have two different actresses who I have employed as my social media directors. Since I was born in the last century, this was a very important asset. I have never spent money on advertising. These two ladies have made it possible for the success of my studio through their social media marketing.
Do you have any insights you can share related to maintaining high team morale?
I believe I have learned from my good bosses and my bad bosses about management techniques. I strive to always be appreciative of my teams’ work and time. I also always strive to pay them the best wage that I can possibly afford. I also try to give them autonomy, and appreciate their expertise in areas that I do not have expertise in. Also, I try to be very willing to delegate, especially in areas that I am not strong in and they are.
Contact Info:
- Website: Sherrillactorsstudio.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/sherrillactorsstudio?r=nametag
- Facebook: Sherrill Actors Studio
- Youtube: Sherrill Actors Studio
Image Credits
Dathan Smith