Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Mia Woods. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Mia, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you talk to us about how you learned to do what you do?
I learned photography from many different people along the way. I started with an online program called Cole’s Classroom back in 2017. What I loved about the courses that they offered was that they were not very technical. I could really grasp the basics and begin to use my camera in manual mode right away. It was a great foundation for me to continue learning. Knowing what I know now, I would have taken more classes on there and fully utilize it. I believe the skill that is most essential to what I do is workflow. I learned how to have a session and edit them in a efficient manor so I could use my time wisely. My biggest obstacles were working full time at a retail job and not having a lot time to spend on learning more. I would do research on anything that I found confusing and practice with the people around me when I could.
Mia, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a photographer from the Saint Louis area. I am an all around artist that just enjoys creating. Besides photography I paint, draw, sew and knit. I love trying new art forms and the way creating art helps me get out my emotions. I got into photography because I wanted to take better pictures of my friends in their costumes at anime conventions. I was always the friend taking tons of photos so they could share their work with others. In 2016, I decided to save up and get my first camera. I didn’t know what I was doing but I intended to find out! Now I do portrait, family, branding and cosplay photography. I stride to form a connection with my clients and help them feel their best. I believe everyone deservers to have great photos done at least once in their lives. The experience can really help you see a different side of your side. It’s very personal and it’s a wonderful gift to be able to provide people. I am most proud of the cosplay photography events I have been able to host for the community so far. Hosting an event was never something I thought I would do. The feed back I have gotten so far from the people who were able to attend has been so overwhelming. Everyone wanted to know when the next one with be and were so excited to be apart it. I have been able to really change my mindset and bring more positivity into the world with every project I take on. I am hoping this year will be the best so far.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
As a black women who is a nerd I want to invest into my community and bring light to the many creatives in the Saint Louis area. It has been on my heart to reach out and connect with more people. Even though I can be nervous about it, it has been so rewarding so far. I have been going to and hosting events to get Mimoo Universe out there more.
What’s been the best source of new clients for you?
My best source of new clients has been from putting myself out there at my job and events. I am talking about what I do and why I do it more. I do have a Facebook and Instagram page that I post on but I feel like social media can be a little like screaming into the void sometimes. So instead of posting on there and feeling upset, I post on there so people can just know what I do. I have stickers and business cards to give out as well. Word of mouth and people recommending me has been the most helpful in the last year.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
Mimoo Universe Photography photos of Daniel, Kimmy, Chari, Raf, Sydney, Chrystal & Christopher